extra story 3

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Extra Story 3: Three Small Theater

【Small Theater·Coax】

Chen Jing made Ni Qingjia angry.

The mouth is stupid, can't be coaxed well, and it's just those few nice words over and over again.

Ni Qingjia got tired of hearing it, turned her face, pouted her mouth, and folded her arms to ignore him.

Seeing this, Chen Jing leaned over to kiss her.

Ni Qingjia: "Shall I let you kiss me?"

Chen Jingwei said aggrievedly: "It was you who said, if I don't know what to say, I will kiss you."

Ni Qingjia was taken aback.

How long ago that was, he remembered.

So he tugged at his sleeve and snorted, "Now we can kiss."

【Small Theater Appreciation Banquet】

Teacher Appreciation Banquet.

Chen Jing had one round of drinking in his third year class, and was called by his second year classmates to drink in their private room for the second round. No matter how Ni Qingjia gave him winks, it didn't work.

Chen Jing got drunk and said, "Jiajia, come with me to get some rest."

Everyone looked over and laughed gossipingly.

Ni Qingjia blushed and ran away with Chen Jing.

Slapped his hot face: "Are you really drunk? There are so many people."

Chen Jing smiled and kissed her lips, and he let go after a while, "Idiot Jiajia, we have already graduated."

Chen Jing is very happy.

Finally, he could call her by her nickname in a fair manner.

【Small Theater·Name】

⚈₃⚈: What names did the two use for each other?

Ni Qingjia: Chen Jing, Ah Jing, Chen Jing's classmate, Ah Jing's brother, brother, Xueba, idiot, baby, baby, boyfriend... and some other names I used to call him in my heart.


(Chen Jing looks over)

Ni Qingjia: Dead straight man, stinky and serious, woody, dead. Oh, and the handsome little scholar.

Chen Jing: ...

⚈₃⚈: Chen Jing hasn't answered yet.

Chen Jing: Ni Qingjia, Jiajia, baby...

⚈₃⚈: This is gone?

Ni Qingjia: There is one more thing, he is embarrassed to say.

(coax him)

(tease him)

(kiss him)

(after some operations)

Chen Jing: (covering his face) ...Master.


The first small theater, what Ni Qingjia said, is in Chapter 23.

The awkward staircase kisses.

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