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I appreciate all of you who have read, liked, and commented on this work. It makes me feel so loved and supported! This is story is one of my more successful stories and I am proud of it so thanks!

If you like this story here are other works by me:

Invisible Strings (Draco Malfoy)

Growing up with the Marauders (Book 1/2)

The Story of Me (G.U.W.T.M Fred Weasley; Book 2/2)

By the Time We're 30 (Fred Weasley)

The Weasley in Silver and Green (Draco Malfoy; Book 1/2)

Battle Scars (T.W.I.S.A.G; Book 2/2)

All the Stars (Remus Lupin; Book 1/3)

Alone (A.T.S Fred Weasley; Book 2/3

Fresh Start (A.T.; Book 3/3)

Invisible string (Draco Malfoy)

Back to Bucky Barnes

One Day (Bucky Barnes)

Dust in the wind

Everything but the Weather

Charlie Goes to New York (Flowers for Algernon)

The Dragon Tamer: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now