Chapter 34: This Is War

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A warning to the prophet, the liar, the honest

This is war

To the leader, the pariah, the victor, the messiah

This is warIt's the moment of truth and the moment to lie

And the moment to live and the moment to die

The moment to fight, the moment to fight,

To fight, to fight, to fight


Danneel is numb. She knew that this would happen and she built up what it would be like in her head but it was nothing compared to the actual thing. Dumbledore was dead, but Draco didn't kill him. Instead it was Professor Snape was the one who did the deed. A fact which Harry told angrily to the entire school.

Draco had left that night and it had been a week since. Danneel felt like a pariah as she walked the halls for the past week. Everywhere she went eyes and words pierced her calling her foul names and snide remarks. One Gryffindor went as far as to attack her but luckily Blaise intervene. From then on she was surrounded by the four of them everywhere she went.

But it was the last day of school and Danneel was looking forward to seeing Draco when she got home because all she wanted to do was be held. However, fate had other plans for Danneel and it started with a letter she received at breakfast.


If you think I'm going to let you spend the summer with that son of a death eater you've got another thing coming. I already spoke to your parents and we all agree it's in your best interest to spend the time leading up to your wedding in Riley and I's flat. I will be picking you up at King's Cross and you will stay with me. This is not up for discussion.

                  - J.D Avery

"No," Danneel groans, "No, No, No."

"What's wrong D?" Cass says.

"My parents are sending me away."

"But don't they always do that?" Daphne asks, "You spend the summer at the Malfoy's all the time?"

"No I'm not going to Draco's," Danneel says, "They're sending me to J.D and Riley's up until right before the wedding. It's really like a good old fashioned arranged marriage now."

"Danneel," Zara says rubbing her arm.

"Cass!" Danneel exclaims, "Where are you going to stay? You can't... you can't stay there."

"I'm not," Cass says softly, "I've made arrangements... with my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend!" Blaise shouts.

"Shut up!" Cass growls.

"Tell us more," Daphne urges.

"I will if you just let me talk."

Zara squeals and latches on to Danneel's arm causing her to laugh.

"I've been seeing him for quite some time now. We've been official since sometime last year, I'm not entirely sure. He's kind and funny and makes me laugh. He takes good care of me and he's thoughtful and resourceful. And he's just..."

"You're really taken with this guy," Zara smiles.

Blaise smiles but then drops suddenly, "Please don't tell me it's Flint."

"Ew no gross," Cass spats.

"Well, who is it?" Daphne questions.

Cass sighs and fidgets with her hands. She shares a look with Danneel who nods in encouragement. She takes a deep breath, "It's Fred Weasley."

"FR-" Blaise shouts but doesn't finish because Daphne slaps a hand over his mouth.

"Yes, Fred Weasley," Cass says sharply. "Remember what I just said. Remember how happy I was... am."

"Damn," Blaise mutters.

"Never pictured you with a redhead," Daphne jokes.

"You're going to have seriously cute kids," Zara grins.

"Why aren't you more excited?" Blaise asks, "Unless you don't like or approve him. Cuz if you do I'll follow your lead."

"Blaise?" Zara scolds and hits her brother, "But he's right why haven't you said anything? What's the vibe?"

"Zari he's got a good vibe," Danneel laughs, "And I'm not surprised because I she told me last year around the time when they started going together."

"Of course you knew," Daphne laughs.

They eat the rest of breakfast in light chatter and make their way to their rooms all putting the finishing touches in packing. The five walked somberly to the train with little grief from the rest of the student body. They had no trouble getting into the usual compartment.

Everyone tried their best to keep Danneel's mind off her summer residence but nothing seemed to work. Danneel gave up halfway through the train ride to even try and seem happy so she drifted off to sleep.


"Danneel we're here," Cass says softly and shakes her friend's shoulders.

"Okay," Danneel says softly.

"Come on hun," Zara says helping Danneel stand.

Cass goes on the other side of Danneel as they walk out of the train. There waiting is an impatient and fuming J.D with a smiling Riley next to her. Blaise hands J.D Danneel's luggage which he grabs roughly and Riley comes over and wraps an arm around Danneel's shoulder.

"Come one sweetie lets get you home," Riley smiles and leads Danneel to Dolly.

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