Chapter 31: Mess Is Mine

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Talking like we used to do
It was always me and you

Shaping up and shipping out

Check me in and check me out

Do you like walking in the rain?

When you think of love, do you think of pain?

You can tell me what you see

I will choose what I believe

Hold on, darling

This body is yours, This body is yours and mine

Well hold on, my darling

This mess was yours, Now your mess is mine


It had been months since the incident in Hogsmeade and the school year was on the downward slope. Danneel was a mess as she prepared for exams and her mother and Narcissa kept badgering her with wedding preparations. Of course, it would all have been slightly less stressful if Draco was there for her to lean on but he had fallen into the pattern he had at the beginning of the year.

"Shit," Danneel grunts as she tries to put the finishing touches on her Potions essay.

"Danneel are you okay?" Daphne asks, "That's the third shit I've heard from you today."

"Fine," she pants, "Just my chest."

"I thought you said you saw Draco every day."

"Well, I have it just usually is less then a minute or two as we pass or if he sits down at lunch for a few seconds. He's supposed to be in a few minutes I'll be fine."

"This isn't right," Blaise says shaking his head, "He should be here helping you. It's absurd that we don't see him anymore, especially if he's getting married in a few months."

"Shh," Cass hisses, "Here he comes."

"I'm going to go talk to him," Danneel says standing up, "I can't wait."

Draco is slowly making his way into the Great Hall when he freezes as he sees Katie Bell and Potter talking. His face pales when he makes eye contact with a glowering stare. Draco rapidly turns on his heel and rushed out of the hall, not hearing his fiancee calling his name.

Draco's feet don't stop until he reaches the lavatory not bothering that it has the wrong gender on it and barges in. He rushes to the sink and lets out a strangled sob. Draco takes a deep breath and splashes water on his face.

"I know it was you who cursed Katie Bell," Harry says behind him and Draco turns rapidly around as Harry shoots a spell at him.


"Where did he go?" Danneel cries in frustration as she looks around for Draco.

Suddenly pain stabs her in the chest and she hears a scream of agony come from the girl's lavatory. She rushes in to find one of the sinks broken as it floods the bathroom and Harry standing over Draco with dozens of cuts and gashes decorate his body.

"Oh my God!" Danneel shrieks and rushes over to Draco and kneels down by his head, "What did you do?!"

"I," Harry gasps, "I don't know."

The Dragon Tamer: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now