Chapter 58: Remember You Young

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Hey buddies that I grew up with

All straight laced and married up now

You ain't foolin' me, wasn't long agoWe tore the roof off that one red light town

And hey darling sipping that red wine

All classy kicked back on the couch

You smile and I see you shootin' tequila

Us shuttin' them college bars down

And no matter how much time goes by

And no matter how much we grow up

For worse or for better, from now 'til foreverI'll always remember you young


August 9, 2011

"Danneel you have to hurry if you're going to make it to the ferry in time," Draco says rushing Danneel out of the hotel room.

"Why are you so pressed about this," Danneel laughs, "I can take the next one in four hours."

"No you have to get on this one," Draco insists and pushes Danneel into the hallway where Cass, Zara, Riley, Emmy, and Daphne are waiting with Caroline, Sydney, Stella, and Jackie.

"Let's go," Cass says and grab's Danneel's wrist, "We can't miss this ferry."

Draco shuts the door to the hotel room and sighs running a hand through his hair. It took two weeks for Danneel to be clear to go home and another two for her to be clear to travel. Once Danneel received the go-ahead Draco made a plan to have a vacation with all of their families and friends on this little island off Greece. What Danneel didn't know was that Draco had something special planned and it was a good thing she caught that Ferry.


"So what are you hopping for this time?" Daphne asks as all the girls shop.

"I mean you already have one of each," Emmy smirks.

"I want a girl," Riley smiles, "I know Stella was a handle but I liked having a girl."

"Outnumber them even more," Zara smirks.

"Exactly," Riley exclaims and pulls out a dress, "Dani Day you need to try this on."

Danneel is over helping the girls pick out clothes and picks up her head, "I'm not shopping for me."

"No you need to try it on," Zara insists.

"Fine," Danneel sighs, and Zara makes her way over to help the girls.


"Daddy this is itchy," Dallas wines and tugs at his collar.

"I know," Draco says swatting his hand away and fixing it, "But it will make mummy happy and you want to do that don't you."


"Dad, nana says the food is ready," Atticus says appearing in the doorway.

"Thanks," Draco says without looking up and ties Orion's shoes.

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