Chapter 54:Blessed

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I have been blessed
And I feel like I've found my way
I thank God for all I've been given
At the end of every day
I have been blessed
With so much more than I deserve
To be here with the ones
That love me
To love them so much it hurts
I have been blessed


January 17, 2003

"And I met Micky da Mouse," Atticus chats happily to Reagen and Miller.

"Really?" Miller asks wide-eyed.

"Yea, and Donal da duck," Atticus says.

Danneel smiles at her son as he retells their trip to Disney World. The family of five had gone for Atticus' 3rd birthday and had just gotten back yesterday. Since the family missed Atticus' birthday Danneel invited them all over for dinner. Since she was still tired from the trip she wanted to keep it small so she only invited family.

"The twins are so big," Cass says while she plays peek a boo with Dallas.

"I know they're growing like weeds," Draco laughs as he walks with Orion on his leg.

"And hows little miss Stella," Kerrigan asks walking over to Riley.

"She's good," Riley smiles, "I must say that she's a lot more colicky then Miller was."

"She must get it from you," J.D teases as he entrains Caroline with a butterfly charm.

Riley tuts offended while the others laugh. Fred gets a beer from the fridge and asks, "I still can't believe you're still on the alcohol theme. Stella Astoria, man that's original."

"We thought so," J.D smiles.

"Cake," Carson says, having waddling over and tugging on Cass' pant leg.

"Not yet baby," Cass replies and makes Dallas wave at his cousin.

Carson nods sadly and trouts over to where Caroline is and watches the butterflies.

"Do you miss it?" Narcissa asks gazing at her niece.

Cass smiles sadly, "Sort of, but after having the twins. The complications that happened. I don't want to go through that again."

"Understandable," Danneel says and gives her friend a smile.

"What's the word on dinner?" Atlas asks.

"It'll be out soon," Danneel calls.


They ate dinner and Atticus opened the presents from the family. Now the four of the toddlers were playing with blocks in the living room as the adults sat around and talked. J.D held a sleeping Stella and Orion was snuggled into Fred while Dallas was cuddled up to Atlas.

"What house do you think they'll be in?" Danneel asks.

"I think Miller's got the makings of a Hufflepuff," Riley smiles.

"No doubt about that," Reagen smiles, "He's such a sweet boy."

"I think this little guy," Fred says smiles at Dallas, "Will be in Ravenclaw. He's quite but he's smart."

"I could see it," Kerrigan agrees.

"I think where ever one of the twins go the other will end up with him," Danneel smiles.

"All of my children will be in Slytherin," Draco jokes.

"Nah," Cass smirks, "You'll have one wild card at least. I think my babies will be split. Caroline in Slytherin and Carson in Gryffindor."

"I think they'll be split," Fred agrees, "But Carson's shy maybe Hufflepuff?"

"Atticus will be a Ravenclaw," J.D says, "And Stella in Gryffindor."

"I agree hundred percent," Cass exclaims quietly.

"How are Daphne and Emmy doing with their new babies?" Danneel asks.

"Well, Ace is in love with little two-month-old Sydney," Cass smiles, "They'll both be in Slytherin."

"Ace yes but I think it's too soon to tell with Sydney," Riley adds.

"Roxanne has the makings of a Gryffindor," Fred states, "And Ronnie Anne too. She's quite the brave 5 month old."

"I agree," J.D says.

"Only 8 more years until we find out with the first batch," Danneel sighs.

"That's crazy," Cass marvels.


Soon it grows late and the guests start to file out leaving only Narcissa with the family of five.

"Draco I'm watching Teddy tomorrow," Narcissa smiles as she grabs her coat.

"Oh," Draco breathes, "Okay?"

"I was wondering if you would stop by and maybe bring Atticus after you pick him up from Kerri's?" Narcissa asks.

"Uh, yeah I guess," Draco shrugs.

Danneel watches Draco apprehensively as Narcissa continues, "It's just that he's your cousin and he's seen your pictures and he's been asking to meet his cousin."

"Yea," Draco says slowly, "I'll bring Atticus over."

Narcissa smiles before kissing both goodbye and apperating away. Danneel makes her way to Draco and wraps him in a hug.

"You okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Draco says gruffly.

"Because your meeting your cousin's baby whom you never met because his mother, your Aunt was disowned."

"And then my cousin died in the battle of Hogwarts where I was on the wrong side and indirectly killed her leaving her son an orphan." He says bitterly.


"No, I ruined that kid's life!"

"No, you didn't," Danneel insists, "He has people who love him and he wants to meet you. HE wants to meet you."


"I know you feel guilty, even though you shouldn't. But this can be your penance or whatever. You can love and spoil that kid rotten and be his best friend."

"I can do that," Draco mutters, "I can do that."

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