Chapter 25: Pure Imagination

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There is no Life I know

To compare with pure imagination

Living there

You'll be free

If you truly wish to be


The weeks following Danneel's return home with Draco and Cass were odd. Draco rarely came out of his room, usually only for meals, and would rarely utter a word to anyone. Atlas was away for most of the summer at "work" and Kerrigan would sometimes accompany her husband.

Narcissa was constantly wondering the Manor looking like a ghost as she said nothing and seemed to disappear and reappear at will. Danneel and Cass were going crazy with their loved ones' strange behavior so they jumped at the chance to take a break from it and head with Narcissa and Draco to Diagon Alley.

"Now girls," Narcissa began once they arrived, "I want you to meet me back in this spot in two hours. Draco and I have some business to attend to so you two are free to spend those two hours how you wish."

"Thanks, Aunt Cissy," Cass replies politely.

"We'll meet you back in two hours," Danneel reassures.

As the two girls turn to go Draco grabs Danneel's wrist and spins her around, "Be careful."

"I always am," Danneel replies coyly.

"I mean it Dani," Draco states his grip growing a little tighter.

"I will be fine," Danneel reassures, "Now follow your mother. She's getting impatient."

Draco nods and kisses his fiancee's cheek before following his mother in the opposite direction. Danneel takes Cass' arm and pulls her self up to match Cass' pace.

"Where to first?" Danneel asks.

"Let's grab our school supplies first," Cass says pulling out the list, "And then we can check out the Weasley Twin's joke shop."

"You want to see your boyfriend," Danneel teases.

"So what if I do," Cass smiles, "This may be the last time I see him till Christmas."



Cass and Danneel finished their school shopping with 30 minutes to spare in which they intended to spend in the Weasley's joke shop.

As Cass opens the door to the crowded shop she turns to Danneel and whispers, "I don't know if Fred told anybody about us so I need you to not make a big deal about this and maybe distract George so I can talk to him."

"I got your back," Danneel confirms, "Let's go."

The two girls walk into the store as someone leaving knocks into Danneel's shoulder on the way out.

"Watch it," Cass sneers to them.

"Make me Malfoy," the person says back, to reveal themselves as Ron Weasley."

"Come on Ron," Hermione says and pulls him away.

"Nice impression on the brother in law Cass," Danneel teases.

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