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Leah was walking with Charles and Carlos to the paddock when people surrounded them. It was fans of course that couldn't get into the race this weekend. She heard people screaming her name as the boys tried to cage her in.

"Leah! Leah!" She heard someone familiar and was yanked to the side.

"Leah!"Carlos yelled and started shoving through. She was cornered by three men who were significantly larger than her. Charles followed behind him. The pair were ready to defend her if she needed help. Leah was smiling though, but they stood slightly in front of her.

"God to see you have some people taking care of you," George laughed. Leah looked at Carlos and Charles in their red suits. She placed her hands on each of their shoulders.

"Don't worry these are my brothers and cousin," She gestured to the large men. "This is George, ex-marine, Charles, the oldest brother, and Avery, my cousin. Boys this is Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz," She introduced the boys to her brothers.

"Oh okay, I thought some guys were getting ready to kidnap you," Charles sighed and pressed a hand to his heart as he laughed lightly. He shook each of their hands. Carlos doing the same.

"Nah, Nah, Nah, but your security duties are horrible," Avery laughed as they all moved into the paddocks. Her brothers were here to support her along with her cousin. They were all like her brothers.

"Hey we tried," Charles argued as he went off with Carlos to their paddock. She got dressed and talked with them for a bit until they all did a little team huddle.

"Aww look at this, Leah with her family," Amanda pointed at the three boys and three girls. The cameras turned exposing the little family. Leah nodded and they all tapped her helmet as she slid into her car.

Throughout the whole race, people zoomed in on her brother's faces. They wanted to get the reactions. There was a moment when Esteban clipped her back tired on a turn for an overtake. He was getting going to get investigated by the stewards, but Leah lost control and slammed into the barrier.

"Leah Guessey is out!"  Leah climbed out of her car and just knelt on the ground. She looked defeated as she hit the ground once before getting up again.

"And that is it for Leah Guessey for this race." She was escorted back and intercepted by her Mom. Leah wasn't sure how her Mom kept coming back into her paddock, but Cassidy had suggested that she stay away. Kathleen didn't listen.

Leah didn't look up as she walked past her mother. Isabella and Cassidy were waiting there. Her brothers as well. They all just hugged Leah telling her she did well. Toto however was glaring at her from across the paddocks. She just shook her head and walked back into her room.

They had to wait until the race was over for her to leave her paddock, but she really just wanted to leave. Go home. Her brothers were staying at her house and they wanted her to go out to eat. Leah couldn't leave the room. Her brothers were in there, but they all just sat in silence. Comforting one another wasn't something they would do.

"You guys can go, I know you came to have fun," Leah urged them as she rested her head against the wall.

"Let's go," Charles stood up and urged the other two. She knew they wanted to go do things in the UK and Charles knew how uncomfortable Leah got when she was upset if people crowded her. He knew she needed some time away from them. Once her siblings left. She went out of her room, the cameras following her as she went to congratulate the others. Leah got up and went to congratulate Max, Lewis, and Carlos. Charles had a DNF as well for this Austria Grand Prix, this year.

"Congratulations," She told Max as he hugged her.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Estebon," Max sighed. She shook her head.

"He didn't mean it," She sighed and turned to Lewis and Carlos.

"Boys!" She smiled and hugged them. They hugged her back.

"Someone who will celebrate with me," Carlos jumped up and down with her.

"Congratulations Carlos," Isabella smiled. Leah watched as Carlos turned and immediately went up to hug Isabella. She was shocked when they kissed. They kissed on camera. Leah turned around pointing at them with a shocked face. Amanda just laughed.

"Oh we are having a conversation later," She laughed and turned away as she tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Leah," Toto came toward her. Leah froze a little as he pulled her to the side. "I just wanted to let you know that, today was an unfortunate result for you and our team, but we will need you to try harder for the next GPs." Leah nodded. "We want the media to know that we made a good choice taking you, we could have gotten someone else from on the grid, but we took a chance with you. Now you have to come through with results." Leah nodded.

"I got it, I'm sorry," She whispered. She didn't look up at him. He patted her shoulder as he walked away from her. She looked around and saw all the cameras on her.

"Leah" She turned to see Lando with a small smile on his face. She dropped her hands and smiled as he approached.

"You had good racing today," She congratulated.

"Leah," He muttered and walked toward her as she hugged him. They stood there for a while as he looked just at her not caring if they were in the way. He hated seeing her like this. The moment he saw her car on the side of the barrier he wanted to go over to her, but he would be disqualified and get yelled at. He didn't want to complicate their careers.

"Lando," Leah breathed. He paused for a moment.

"Yeah?" They both leaned back.

"Will you come to my house tonight and hang with me and my family?" He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Of course, I mean if they try to beat me up, I will say it won't end well for me," Lando smiled as he held her hand and laid her head on his shoulder as they both watched Isabella interact with Carlos.

"Of course, I mean if they try to beat me up, I will say it won't end well for me," Lando smiled as he held her hand and laid her head on his shoulder as they both watched Isabella interact with Carlos

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Heart of Gold | L.N. - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now