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Leah had called everyone two days ago. She had made sure to tell them where she was and what had happened. She'd called Lando first since he was going to be the one to worry the most. She facetimed him actually and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. Leah explained everything and Lando understood, but he wished he could take away Leah's pain. He hated seeing her force the smile onto her face. He hated how she sounded so broken when she spoke about her family.

That was a few days ago though. Leah was currently in a Dutch Pub with Max filming a video for Red Bull. Max knew about her last brother's passing so he offered to do the video alone, but she explained that she wanted to finally be with someone.

"So we are going to start with just random questions here guys," Jackson smiled at Leah. Cassidy and Isabella were going to try and stay with their babies as much as they could at least until flying wouldn't be that much of a concern. So she was going to stay with Jackson and John for a little while longer.

"I will do my best," Leah smiled and took the cards Jackson handed her.

"You go first, I feel like I can answer your questions easily," Max explained as he put his cards face down on the table.

"Okay, ready?" She asked and sat up taller as she smiled at him over the cards. "Are you afraid of heights?" She asked and then looked at him funny. "Are you?" She asked as she leaned forward. Max just shrugged.

"Not that I'm afraid of them, they just make, like, my stomach drop," He explained as he gestured to his stomach with his hand. Leah laughed a little.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't know that," She smiled and flipped to the next card?" She looked over at Jackson and rolled her eyes.

"Is there going to be a grid wedding soon and are you invited?" Leah laughed as she read off the card and put it face down on the table. Max clasped his hands and set them on the table.

"There is and I am not inclined to say," Max smiled at Leah as she looked at the next card.

"Do you think I will be the next world champion?" She asked him as she smiled over the top of the card. "You are using a lot of eye contact right now." She covered her eyes as she laughed to herself. Max slapped his hand over his eyes.

"Um, I mean it's going to be me and you competing for the spot, so you have a high probability of getting it, yes," He explained like the professional he is. She put the cards down on the table and leaned forward.

"Oh, are you done already?" He asked and tried to pick up his cards, but Leah shook her head.

"No," She smiled and stopped him from picking up the cards. "I have something to ask you." She smiled. Max looked over at Jackson.

"I'm scared," He laughed a little.

"You know that I see you like an older brother?" She played with the ring on her finger. He nodded slowly slightly intrigued. "Well, you also know that I have no remaining family that will be attending my wedding," Max nodded waiting for her to finish her idea. "Well, I was wondering if you would do me the honors of walking me down the aisle? Since you know I don't have a father or brothers," She laughed a little as she finished. She didn't want that to seem as dark as it was. Max smiled and put his hand over hers to stop her from fidgeting with her ring.

"It would be my honor, although I'm surprised you didn't ask Christian," He explained as he pulled back his hand. Leah just shrugged.

"I would have, but he doesn't seem like the type to come to my wedding, he hasn't even RSVP'd yet," She explained and leaned back in her seat. Max smiled and picked up his cards.

"Alright, Leah," Max leaned forward. "What age did I start karting?" He asked. Leah's smile fell as she looked over at Jackson for help. "No! Don't look at them, we've talked about this before." He waved the card in front of her face. She laughed and leaned back as she held up her fingers.

"Tell me when to stop," She explained as she held up one finger. She paused as he urged her to hold up more. She held up four and he smiled at her. "Damn." She breathed and he nodded as he set the card down on the table.

"What are my cat's names?" He smiled at her. She looked scared. "Come on, you know these!" He encouraged her.

"I know one of the names wait, the real names or the fan names ones?" She asked and pointed her finger at him.

"Both," He encouraged. She grounded and gripped the edge of the table as she leaned back.

"Um," She pursed her lips, "Jimmy and Sassy, but Lewis and Toto!" She snapped her fingers and he nodded.

"See, I told you," He put the card down on the table. "Alright," He flipped it around since it must have been upside down. "Rank top five drivers on the grid?" He wiggled his eyebrows. Leah rolled her eyes at him.

"Skill-wise, looks, or what?" she asked and she heard laughter behind the camera. "Stop laughing at me." Leah smiled as she pointed back at Jackson.

"Skill-wise," Max hit her head lightly with the card. She sighed and looked back at him.

"Me, of course," She held up a finger.

"Nope, can't be yourself," Max explained. She stared at him and put the finger down giving another huff.

"Fine, well then You," She clicked her tongue. "Lewis, Carlos, Charles, and Lando." She explained. Max nodded approving her list.

"Alright and lastly, what is my favorite meal of the day?" He asked and looked back at his PR manager confused as to why this was a question. Leah just laughed at his reaction to the question.

"Why is this such a random question?" Leah laughed. "Um, so your favorite meal of the day has to be dinner." She answered but he shook his head. "Oh wait wait!" She pointed at him. "You are a three-am pack rat! It's midnight snack!" She laughed at him as she smiled and grabbed her cards as well putting them together.

"Well I guess she knows me a little bit," Max laughed and handed the cards back to Jackson.

"I know him well enough," she tapped her temple. "Well, that's it for today, everyone, thanks for watching." She waved as they turned off the cameras.

"Good one, I didn't know if you actually knew about the last one," he offered his hand she high-fived him.

"I know that was a real test on my memory because I remember talking about how we sneak around the kitchen in the dark looking for something good that appeared earlier," She laughed with him.

"Now you both get to dress up as little Dutch people and go help some farmers," Jackson smiled at the two Leah laughed thinking it was a joke, but Jackson didn't laugh.

"Are you serious?" She looked over at Max who just shrugged. "Sometimes I hate being your teammate," She got off the chair. "Do you think this is going to look good in a little Dutch outfit, I mean nothing wrong with their style, I love the culture, but like come on," She gestured to herself Max pointed at her feet.

"You'll be fine, in clogs," He laughed as he readjusted his hat. She shook her head.

"You in a little hat with a feather, we are going to look ridiculous," She snorted and pointed at Jackson. "I need a lot of pictures please, this is going to be extremely funny."

"Oh don't worry, I bet there will be tons of memes for you both after we release this video, now come on," Jackson gestured for them to walk out of the pub and towards the car. Leah was dreading changing into the new outfits, but she assumed it would be a funny video.

 Leah was dreading changing into the new outfits, but she assumed it would be a funny video

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Heart of Gold | L.N. - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now