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"Today I am joined here by the top three Formula One team," Amanda smiled at them. They were all sitting on the couch in the post-race room. It was just an interview for their team principals since it was media day. They wanted to interview them before the end of this year's race.

"Hello everybody," Christian waved at them. Toto smiled and waved at them Frederic waved out at the crowd. Each team principal had their colors on.

"So we all want to know what it's going to be like for you three nearing the end of this season," Amanda leaned forward in her chair. "How do you think your cars will perform, how do you think your teams will do, I mean Christian, your two teammates have the world championship under raps. One of your two team members will be the 2022 world champion, but for overall teams, all three of you are the highest ranking so far."

"My team is very gifted this year, with both Max and Leah competing at their best, we've done the calculations and yes either will take the championship," He smiled over at Toto, who ignored him. "The car is getting new adaptations before then, which will hopefully enhance the performance of the car." Amanda nodded and looked at Toto hoping he would add something as well.

"I would like to add something," Frederick explained as she sat forward on the couch. He pointed to Christian. "You have two great drivers, but the car also helps them accomplish something."

"Put a little bit of talent in a fancy car and they become extraordinary," Toto said into his mic. Amanda kept the smile on her face, but she wanted to spit at them. They were speaking badly of Leah right now.

"Are you saying my drivers aren't good?" Christian asked as he looked over at Frederick. "Cause yours barely make it on the podiums bless their hearts. Your number two driver sacrifices everything for your team, yet all you get is hurt feelings." Christian sat back in his seat as he looked out at the reporters. He could care less about bad press, it was still press.

"You have an amazing driver," Toto said. "But Leah seems a little out of her depth." Christian laughed at the Mercedes Principal. He knew Leah was a goofball, but she brought a new air to the sport. She got something that the men seemed to stray from. She is focused, but having fun at the same time. She tried to not let the little things ruin her excellent personality.

"You wanna say that again when you can actually place ahead of her in a grand prix," Christian shot back.

"Alright, alright," Amanda interrupted as she laughed a little. "I would like to hear what your thoughts are on Leah Guessey, weren't you the one that brought her into the industry?" Toto nodded.

"I was, yes, she was promising from the start, and had hints of talent that she could mature and grow into, but her radio messages, actions, and social media reflect otherwise. The fanbase has also been very outspoken about her attitude toward the sport. She makes it seem like a fun game to her," Toto explained. He rolled his eyes a bit as he smiled out as a few people laughed in the crowd.

"Put Leah Guessey in a lesser-ranked car and see what she can do," Frederick explained as he unzipped his red jacket.

"How far are we talking?" Christian asked. "Cause the whole point that Red Bull is number one is because it's a top car, even if you have a good driver, but a shitty car, for example, Lando Norris, great driver, shitty car, he still can't place about Ferrari, Mercedes, or Red Bull," Christian explained as he looked at Amanda she nodded along with him. "So if you made this little bet with a horrible car, it will get the results you want. Do you think she would be able to win in your car, Frederick? We know she can win in your Toto. So I don't really understand how neither of you are seeing her talents." Christian defended her. Amanda was proud that finally there was someone that actually defended her and didn't just brag about her like Toto did when she was winning on his team.

"She did win on my team, yes, but that was when she still took things seriously," Toto added. Christian stared at him for a long time.

"Are you fucking dumb?" He asked and Toto sat up ready to argue, but Christian interrupted him. "Do you have any idea how much she has gone through over the last, almost two years now? Do you?" Toto sat back. "The first female Formula One driver, that is a brilliant accomplishment on its own, but it wasn't enough no, she had to prove herself among the men on this grid. She had to prove herself to the world. that she earned that spot fairly. She against everything kept trying in her rookie year and placed more than once. Formula One hasn't seen a rookie year like hers, ever. She has proven herself on multiple occasions." Amanda nodded along with his words. She wished Leah was here to see that she was appreciated. That she was cared for even when she wasn't here. The F1 fanbase has been going after her for winning all the time. They attack her and Max since they win all the time. They hate them because those two are great drivers. They are the best at what they do.

"She has lost all of her family, ruined her mental health, destroyed her body, and still continues to give every race her all. Yes, her radio messages are odd and she isn't the best with social media sometimes, but after everything she's been through I wouldn't blame her. You are lucky she isn't this unkind person that hates on everyone all the time. She brings a new light to this industry. She makes the other drivers loosen up, and enjoy their jobs a little more because being a driver isn't all champagne and trophies. It's a struggle. You have teams putting the cars together for you, prepping everything, but once you get out onto the track it's all up to this one person. A whole team depends on this one person. That is a lot of stress to put on our drivers. Hoping that they perform well, some have crumbled under the pressure, while others have learned to bear it and continue. We need to stop trying to tear down the drivers. They are all talented or else they wouldn't have made it onto the grid and they are all trying their best for their teams." Christian leaned back as he caught his breath. Toto sat there in silence and so did Fredrick.

"Do you want Leah Guessey to drive in your car Frederick?" Amanda asked strictly out of spit.

"I would like to see what she could do, but no, I am convinced and greatly reminded of what our drivers experience," He spoke cautiously. Toto just sat in silence as he stared at his watch on his wrist. He was done with the interview.

"Well thank you for joining us today and we are excited about the race this weekend," Amanda smiled at them. Toto got up grabbing his water bottle, Frederick behind him as they both left. "I wanted to say thank you Christian for your words today that will mean a lot to the drivers and the fans." She told him quietly. He came forward and offered his hand.

Of course, I know how hard it's been for her even if it's indirectly," He shook Amanda's hand and left the interview room.

Of course, I know how hard it's been for her even if it's indirectly," He shook Amanda's hand and left the interview room

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