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"It's race day here in Brazil, we've only got a few more race weekends left until the world championship is decided," Ted read off.

"Here comes the unstoppable trio of the season, Max Verstappen, Lewis Hamilton, and Leah Guessey no matter what they are a part of the P3. Leah has really proven herself over the last few months, shutting down the haters and doubtful men who tried to ruin her career. Toto Wolf has been very outspoken about his proud rookie."

Leah was walking into her paddock as people started cheering. Lewis was behind her too as he patted her back. That was what he did before every race before they split up. Leah nodded and walked into their room changing into her gear. She walked out and smirked at the camera as she did Lando's thing. She tapped her heart and hit the bars above her as she walked out. She had her helmet in her hands and Isabella came over.

"Are you ready? It's a big day," She smiled.

"I'm ready," Leah smiled. Isabella and Carlos had their conversation last night and both of them owned up to taking care of their future kid. They were going to move in together.

"Ready," Cassidy smiled as she came over. They all put their heads together and Cassidy put her hands on their shoulders.

"There is the infamous, team huddle for Guessey," Ted smiled as the camera panned to the three women in the corner.

"Go win," Isabella kissed Leah's forehead as she grabbed her helmet and sleeve sliding it over her face and crawling into the car. They got her tires ready and then she was off into the formation. She was behind Lewis which was unfortunate for her, but she could get it. She needed this win. They were off and she was starting off well, by blocking Esteban from overtaking her. Bottas wasn't far behind they were trying to form a DRS train behind her. She saw an orange car coming up fast on her.

"So there are going to be the big three fighting for their spots in this race," Ted started.
"Max Verstappen, Lewis Hamilton, and Leah Guessey are all almost tied with career wins this race. Leah had to do a bit of catch-up from the beginning DNF but she's got here and she's giving it her all. You can see that she is attempting to figure out a path around Lewis, she really wants this win. She is better than many of the drivers on this grid."

"Isn't that her cousin and uncle," John pointed out. They were seen in her paddock just looking around. Cassidy and Isabella were zoned in on Leah's driver's screen so they weren't able to see what the two were doing.

Most importantly they weren't able to see what Gabby was doing. Leah came in for a pit stop as someone crashed on the track. She was pitted and all Leah saw was the curly hair leaning down and she saw Gabby.

"What are you doing here?" Leah asked. She tried to look around for Cassidy, but she had restricted movement since Gabby was blocking her view.

"We wanted to watch," Gabby smiled. She was secretly trying to damage her car. She wasn't able to reach much, so she didn't know if she had done any damage. Gabby wanted her cousin's spot so badly that she would do anything to get it. Anything.

"No," Leah shook her head. "I have a rule of no family in the paddock anymore."

"Leah, you gotta go out," Isabella spoke. She realized that Gabby was there. "I'm going to have to ask you to back up." She told Gabby.

"There's tension in her paddock right now," John spoke. "Do you think she would try and tamper with the car, it seemed her hands disappeared for a few moments." Isabella tried to stop Leah from her car going out, she wanted to look at it, but they were already losing time.

"We need to stop the race," Isabella told Toto. He just shook his head.

"No, go back to the paddock," He informed her. Isabella rolled her eyes and threw her hands in the air. She got back to the paddock and the cameras zoomed in as she argued with the mechanics about the car. Leah had to maneuver around Esteban as they got back on the track. She had only a few laps left and it was going well. For a time.

Heart of Gold | L.N. - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now