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"Leah!!!!" Leah sat up fast. That was not Lando's voice. Her bedroom door opened and Cassidy stood there with a headband on with the word bride on it.

"Cassidy," Leah grumbled and rolled over clinging to Lando. She wanted to go back to bed.

"Come on, get up!" Isabella chimed in. Lando wrapped his arms around her as she buried her face into her warm chest.

"Come on, just give us an hour," Lando grumbled.

"It's 11 am!" Kelley added as the rest of Leah's bridal party came into the room staring at the sleepy couple. Cassidy came around the side grabbing Leah's feet as ISabella ripped off the covers.

"Please!" Leah begged as she was yanked off the bed. There was a thud as she hit the floor. Lando shot up and went to the edge of the bed looking down at Leah. She rubbed her eyes. "Ouch." She sat up. Lando leaned back down covering himself with the blanket. He was only in his boxers.

"Can we take her?" Cisca asked. The two sisters laugh amongst one another. Lando looked at his sisters.

"Why did I have to get this as my wake-up call?" Lando rubbed his eyes. Leah was yanked to her feet as Flo and Cisca handed Leah her white slip dress she would be wearing today and her flats.

"Oh, the boys are waiting for us to get back down so they can come up and get you," Kelly added as she took Leah's hand. She was still sleepy.

"Come on," Flo urged her as they tried to drag her out the door.

"Wait, wait!" Leah yelled as she grabbed the door sill. She didn't get to say goodbye. Lando sat up smiling as he watched her come back into the room and jump on the bed.

"Morning," He chuckled as he pulled her closer to him by her waist.

"Brush your teeth!" Cassidy yelled as she yanked Leah back and pushed her into the bathroom. Oliver appeared in the doorway.

"Are they harassing you?" He chuckled to his younger brother. Lando ran his hands through his hair.

"Yes," He sighed. Olive moved to his closet pulling out pants with a white button-up.

"Lando, your turn," Isabella pointed to the bathroom as Leah was brought back out. She had mascara on now. Flo and Cisca trying their best to stay with her. Leah turned to see Oliver.

"Oli," She moved forward and gave him a hug.

"Hey Lee, how have you been?" He asked. Lando got up and walked to the bathroom with his clothes. He brushed his teeth and changed.

"I've been good, how are the kids?" Leah asked. Oliver scratched the back of his neck.

"You know, they are kids, never sleep, always need something," He chuckled. Leah nodded and looked over at Isabella and Cassidy. The two women were figuring that out fast with their babies. Lando came back out.

"May I kiss my fiance now?" He asked Cassidy and she waved for him to continue forward. Leah smiled at him. She had her bride's headband on and he thought it was cute. He leaned forward and kissed her quickly.

"I love you," He whispered to her.

"I love you most, be safe today, don't do anything stupid," Leah added as she glanced at Oliver who put his hand over his heart and gave her a nod.

"Scouts honor," Cassidy mocked as she grabbed Leah's hand pulling her out of the bedroom. It was her Bachelorette party two days before her wedding day. Leah didn't want anyone to be hung over before her wedding.

"So what's on the agenda?" Leah asked as she came down the stairs.

"Leah!" The boys all yelled. She looked at them and saw Max, Daniel, Carlos, Charles, Pierre, Lewis, Niran, Aarav, Ethan, Steve, and Max. Leah thought it was funny that both Maxs were going to be in the wedding, but Fewtrell has been his best friend since they were in karting. So she expected that.

Heart of Gold | L.N. - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now