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"So when's the date?" Cassidy asked as they watched Elizabeth and Alejandro play together on the blanket in front of them. They were only 14 weeks old, but they were mobile enough to do tummy time. Elizabeth was prone to taking Alejandro's toys and he was prone to pushing her. Leah proudly taught both of them that or at least that's what Isabella likes to say.

"Um, we both decided sometime in fall either August or September, we don't want to do it in either of our birth months, but if we have to I would love to have an October wedding," Leah reasoned as she made a face at Elizabeth. The baby stared at her with big eyes for a moment until she smiled and lay on her face.

"You love October, just have it then, not on your birthday of course," Isabella reasoned. She put down a toy by Alejandro and started playing with him. It was easy to get distracted around the babies.

"I do really like October, but we have races every weekend, although they aren't that far technically," Leah thought to herself as she got onto her phone and pulled up the race calendar. They were in June right now. They'd just gotten back from the Hungarian GP, she was first, Lewis second, and Charles third. Max DNFed thanks to Lewis colliding with him on a turn. There was one race in August, the Dutch race, and the Italian race left in September, the Russian one is postponed for now, but it was most likely supposed to be canceled. October had one every weekend, so October was out of the question.  They were also moving during that fall gap between August and September.

Leah wrote down in her notes to talk with Lando about it. They weren't going all out for their wedding. They were having some of the grid members there, Lando's family. Maybe her brother or cousin if they could make it, but that was all of her family. Just two. She knew Jamie and Samuel wouldn't come, they'd completely blocked her out after Charles died. Leah tried not to take that to heart.

"Leah?" Cassidy touched her hand. Leah looked up suddenly. She had dozed off.

"Hm?" She looked around. Alejandro was now sitting in Isabella's lap as Elizabeth played with her little doll.

"Are you alright?" Isabella asked quietly. Leah nodded slowly and put her phone down on the blanket they had set up.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about the wedding," She rubbed her forehead.

"Stressed?" Cassidy asked as she reached for Elizabeth pulling her up and holding her in her lap. Leah smiled at her niece and nephew. She was the godmother of both of them, which she thought was the greatest thing in the world.

"I guess a bit," Leah smiled and fixed Alejandro's shirt as it road up over his little tummy.

"You know we have your back right?" Cassidy asked as she stared at her friend. "We would do anything for you, you know that?"

"I know," Leah nodded as she pushed herself up. "I better get back to Lando before he gets concerned about why I'm gone so long. We are having lunch with his mother to decide certain things about the wedding," Leah explained quickly as she dusted off her pants.

"Wave by," Cassidy smiled. Elizabeth smiled at her aunt and Cassidy lifted her little hand up waving it at Leah. "Bye Bye Lee."

"Auntie Lee will miss you both," She blew kisses to each of the kids. She leaned over and kissed Cassidy's temple and then Isabella's.

"Be safe going home, and you know who to call if you need anything," She told them as she walked back to the parking lot. A sharp pain started in her chest. She pressed her plan to her chest as she got into the car and sat there for a moment. They were packing up their house, they'd already gotten the house in Monaco.

"Come on," She whispered to herself as she put the car in reverse and drove back to their house. Isabella was staying here for a while until she had to go to the Dutch GP. The poor babies have been traveling a little too much, so after the Dutch Grand Prix they were going to be settling back into their homes. Cassidy got a home in Monaco as well, she was sharing it with Daniel of course. The pair were close to one another and no one could tell if it was something more than a friendship. Leah thought it was good though that Cassidy is able to trust another person after Mark. Leah got back to her house and walked in shutting the door behind her. Lando was at his own house pacing as well. They were supposed to have moving trucks moving their items while they went to races. They would fly back and unpack.

Heart of Gold | L.N. - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now