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"Leah, how do you feel about the race yesterday?" Leah lifted the microphone up to her lips.

"Um, I would like to say I am disappointed, but unfortunately things like that happen," Lewis nodded along with her words as he stared at the ground.

"So are you saying it was your fault?"

"I am not saying it was my fault, it was unavoidable, sometimes the cars crash into one another, things like that happen in F1," Leah smiled at the man.

"Lewis, how do you feel about your win yesterday?"

"I feel amazing, the car drove well, my crew was on point, and it was sad to see that my teammate wasn't up on the podium with me, but just like she said sometimes things like that happen in  a race." Lewis reasoned as he put his arm behind Leah. She gave him a tight smile. She was uncomfortable today, the questions were harsher than before and she knew they were going to be.

"Leah, do you feel like your support is fading?"

"No, everyone in F1 is very understanding and knows how the industry works, it has only been the second grand prix, so I will have plenty of others to show my skill." She laughed a little.

"Do you think you are gaining and losing fan support?"

"It's only been the second grand prix, so hard to say," Leah played with her ring on her finger.

"Leah do you think that people will hate on you for your femininity."

"If they do that would be a huge mistake on their part, sorry I don't mean to answer this for you." Lewis placed a hand on her arm as he scooted forward on the couch. "You are more than capable of doing it, just hearing these sorts of sexist questions all morning has started to ruin my good mood. Regardless of gender, Leah Guessey is one of the greatest drivers F1 will have ever seen. It is her rookie year, she has a lot of pressure on her to prove herself and so far she has done a remarkable job. How many other drivers can say that they got pole 1 on their first premiere race?" The room was silent. "Very very few, so she has already proven her talents, so you all should be ashamed for the narrow-minded questions you are asking her currently." Lewis sighed and sat back on the couch.

"I agree with everything that he just said," Leah laughed a little.

"Do you think you both have a strong team bond?" Leah looked at Lewis to see if he wanted to answer, but he gestured for her to go.

"I stole your answer, so you got it," Lewis smiled.

"I think that for a team bond, we have a pretty strong one. I mean we are competitors on track, but off the track, we would do anything for each other, we only want to see one another succeed." Leah answered confidently. Lewis nodded along.

"We can see that," Amanda smiled at the pair. "Does it ever get tense between you both?"

"It's quite early in the season, but honestly Lewis is an amazing teammate. I don't think I would have preferred anyone else," Leah smiled.

"No even Lando Norris." Someone shouted loudly and the whole room laughed lightly.

"We wouldn't be able to take anything seriously, our team dynamic would be chaotic," Leah reasoned. It got a few more laughs.

The interview lasted a few more minutes. The questions got blander and more focused on Lewis. When it was over the pair practically ran from the room.

"Thanks," She smiled as they went to the Mercedes hospitality. She walked into her private room and lay down on the bed they had put there for her. She takes naps a lot so they added that. Lewis jumped on and they laid together. A foot between the two of them. It was a relaxing lay. In silence. A comfortable silence between the two.

Heart of Gold | L.N. - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now