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"It's hot," Leah sat as she looked at her car she was dreading getting in it for the race today. She was sipping up her fireproofs as Luke gave her the rundown. She was starting dead last. During the Quali, she was knocked off the track by Alonso. She had a lot of incentive to win today now. Ferrari had been the only one keeping Alonso from getting a position in points most of the time.

"You need to really focus today," Luke told her. Leah nodded but wasn't really paying attention. Her clothes were tight and itchy since she was sweating already. "Leah." Luke grabbed her shoulder making her look at her. "A lot is riding on you today, okay?"

"When is it not?" Leah laughed trying to brush off the responsibility that Luke was pushing on her. Leah knew how much the races meant to the team. She and Max alone were responsible for their success. They gave them everything they needed to win a race, it's up to the drivers to actually do something with it. She knew that.

"You got it," Jackson smiled. "My little star." He laughed as he handed her her helmet. She pulled the balaclava over her head and put on her helmet. She stood on the seat and slid into moving her legs forward so she was sitting far enough in the seat. They were lined up on the track. She was all the way at the back.

"Someone tell Max, I love him," Leah laughed as she tightened her gloves.

"Will do," Jackson radioed back as everyone rushed back to their paddocks.

"You know we should just connect our radios so he and I could chat once in a while," Leah joked as she pushed down her visor.

"Yeah, just like your snack idea," Jackson laughed. Leah smiled as she rested her head against the back of the seat.

"It's really fucking hot," She sighed. She was going to repeat that multiple times from this moment. "Alright boys," Leah ran her hand over her steering wheel.

"Get in the points, that's all we ask," Jackson told her. Luke smacked his shoulder and shook his head as he covered his mic.

"She's gonna need more than that," Luke hissed. Jackson just rolled his eyes and pointed at him. The lights went off and that was it. Leah took off but wasn't able to get passed anyone yet. She was dead last.

"Leah Guessey sitting dead last so far at the start of this race, she's made no moves to advance from her position at the end," Ted took a drink of his water.

"Did you see what was said yesterday during the team principal interview, Toto and Freerick were hating on her skills and her personality," John laughed a little.

"Yeah, so today especially she's got a lot to prove, let's see if she can do it," Ted sighed. Around the fifth turn, Leah had overtaken two Williams and a Haas.

"Keep it up Leah just like that," Luke encouraged as he nodded.

"It's fucking hot," Leah sang as she went around a Mercedes. "What's George doing all the way back here?" She giggled to herself as she went through the straight bobbing and weaving. "the tires aren't warm enough yet." Leah sighed. She came around the first turn and saw the pit lane.

"Box, box, box," She veered off. "Stay out! Stay out!" She jerked her wheel back onto the track and was lucky she didn't run into anyone.

"For fucks sake, make up your damn mind or else I will come off the track and slap some sense back into your teeny tiny brain." She snapped. She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, it's fucking hot and I was already in the lane."

"I'm sorry, change of plans," Luke sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

"I have sweat dripping down my back!" Leah yelled into her mics.

Heart of Gold | L.N. - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now