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Leah looked around for the cameras, but they weren't facing her at the moment. Leah didn't think this was going to be a bad interaction since she won, but she was still worried about the media.

"This is all I've ever wanted for you, this feeling," Her mother added as she spoke quietly. Leah nodded. Her mother touched her heart. "You control this and you are unstoppable, don't let anything get in the way of your success. I want you to have this feeling always, the feeling of a win. The adrenaline, the happiness, this is all I've ever wanted. Your father would be extremely proud of you." She leaned forward and kissed her cheek leaving Leah stunned. Leah grabbed her mom's arm pulling her into a hug. Her mother didn't hug back at first. "I love you, Leah." Leah's eyes watered.

"Have you spoken to Charles?" Leah whispered.

"Yes, I am going back to spend more time with him and George." She reasoned. "I won't be young forever." She laughed, which was something Leah hadn't heard in what felt like years.

"Thanks, Mom," Leah smiled. "I will be honest, you weren't the best mother, but you had better intentions for my future. I thank you for that." Leah muttered. Her mother brushed her hair to the sides.

"I will always love you, Leah, my baby girl," Her mother kissed her forehead and Leah had to take a deep breath as he mother walked away from her. Cassidy gave her a big smile.

"That was sweet," Cassidy added. Leah shook her head as she fought the urge to break down.

"I have to tell you something," She breathed as the tears fell. She quickly wiped them away as she looked for cameras.

"Was it about the attack before the race?" She whispered and stepped closer getting
concerned. Leah nodded she looked back at Lando and Carlos who were talking. Isabella was heading over to them already. She wanted to go home to her brother, but she couldn't.

"What's up?" Isabella asked. She could tell something was wrong

"I can't, here," Leah's shoulders started to shake as she tried to take another deep breath.

"Leah," Cassidy reached for her as she almost fell.

"It's-I," She took a deep breath or tried.

"Lando," Cassidy waved him over. He jogged over, his smile falling as he looked at her and then Leah.

"What's wrong?" He asked reaching for her. She grabbed his arms closing her eyes for a moment.

"Go to her restroom," Isabella added. "Leah grab onto him like you are going to give him a big hug." Leah did as she was old and buried her head in his neck as he carried her to her rest room the girls following behind. He set her down on her bed.

"Leah, tell me what's happening?" Lando knelt down in front of her. His eyes were full of concern. She covered her mouth as she sobbed.

"It's, It's Charles, my brother," She shook her head the tears spilling over her cheeks. "He's got cancer." Both girls took in a breath.

"The same as your dad?" Isabella asked softly. The three kneeling in front of her. Leah nodded as she tried to stop herself from crying.

"Leah, it's okay to cry," Cassidy urged, but Leah shook her head.

"No, I will make myself sick," She took a deep breath. "He's got maybe a year." She wiped her cheeks, but it did nothing as fresh tears covered her face. Lando didn't know how to help her, but seeing her like this broke him. He hated hearing her voice like this. Like the day at her house when he heard her trying to quiet her sobs. "He told me not to come home, to keep racing for him. For Dad, but am I doing the right thing?" She asked as she started to hyperventilate.

"Deep breath," Lando muttered and she did as she gripped his arm.

"You are trying to respect his wishes," Isabella explained as she sat down next to the girl. Cassidy grabbed Leah's water bottle handing it to her.

"I know, but I didn't get to say bye to my Dad either, I don't know if I can do that again," Leah shook her head. "And his kid, oh my god." She covered her mouth and she curled into herself.

"Leah breath," Isabella rubbed her shoulder. "Please."

"It's happening all over again," She wiped her face. The three all looked at one another. They didn't know what to do. Lando moved up next to her pulling her close to himself.

"I'm sorry," He whispered and Leah curled into him as she quieted down. She slowly passed out. Lando didn't move. He stayed there with her not wanting to leave her alone. He made Daniel and his engineers come into her room if they wanted to speak with him. He didn't leave her. Isabella decided it was time to wake her up when it was time to go home.

"Leah," She shook her knee a little. Leah slowly opened one of her eyes.

"Hm?" She asked.

"We have to go home, Lando needs to go as well," Isabella smiled as she saw Lando was passed out as well. Leah sat up and her movement made Lando wake as well. He smiled at her.

"Hi love," He kissed her temple as he sat up stretching. They both were still in uniform.

"I need to change," Leah sighed as she started stripping. Isabella looked between the two.

"Yeah, I'll go," She laughed and stepped out as Leah started stripping off her clothes.

"Fever dream," Lando laughed as he rubbed his eyes. She smiled and pulled on her shorts. She was in her bra now as she walked over to him pulling him up. He rested his hands on her hips.

"You're cute," She wrapped her arms around his neck. He hmmed and kissed her forehead as he stepped past her. She pulled on a shirt and grabbed her bags as she walked for the doors. Isabella and Cassidy each grabbed one helping her.

"You've got someone waiting," Cassidy laughed as she looked at Daniel. He smiled at her and then winked.

"Cass," Daniel laughed.

"Bye Love, I will text you later," Lando kissed Leah.

"Bye," Leah whispered as he jogged back toward Daniel who was standing there like an impatient father.

"bye Leah," Daniel waved.

"Bye Danny boy, have sweet dreams," She called after him as the teams went their separate ways. When they got back to the hotel. The girls all sat down and let Leah pick out what they were going to watch on Netflix. She chose the cartoon, Batman. She had no rhyme or reason, she just wanted to watch it. It was the only thing that kept her interested.

 It was the only thing that kept her interested

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Heart of Gold | L.N. - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now