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Cassidy and Leah had looked over the contracts forwarding one to Isabella as well. Since she lived so far away from them now. Daniel and Lando were over today, both of them were in their gym working out while the girls looked over the paperwork. Leah didn't want many people to know that she was trading teams, but she trusted Daniel. He has also been close with Cassidy recently which Leah appreciated, although Daniel lives in Monaco, not London. So he hasn't been home in a while.

"This is exciting," Cassidy added as she shoved another spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream into her mouth. Leah grimaced and stared at her. "What?" She asked as she set the spoon back into the tub.

"That is disgusting," Leah shook her head and returned to looking at the papers.

"It's just ice cream," Cassidy laughed at her.

"No, but it's mint," Leah pointed at the green stuff. "How does that not make you feel like you are eating toothpaste or something?" Leah shuddered as her skin crawled. She hated chocolate and mint together. The mint ruined the chocolate in her opinion. She couldn't get over the fact she felt like she was eating something after just brushing her teeth.

"Stop being so overdramatic," Cassidy sighed and shoved the ice cream away from Leah as she rested a hand on her stomach.

"Cass," Leah laughed a little. "You were gagging yesterday because you couldn't stand the smell of the leather couch. That doesn't even smell like leather anymore."

"It smells like leather! You just can't smell it anymore! I have baby superpowers so don't question me!" Cassidy pointed across the table at Leah who held her hands up and tried to stop smiling. "Now go get me Skittles and put this away." She moved the tub back toward Leah making her grimace.

"But you're right next to the fridge," Leah pointed out, but Cassidy just scoffed and shuffled through the papers. Leah grabbed the stuff and slowly moved toward the sink setting the spoon in it while she put the ice cream back in the fridge. She had to grab the Skittles out of the side door and then grabbed Cassidy a bottle of water as well. When she turned around thought Cassidy was sniffling. "Cas, why are you crying?" Leah asked as she put her arm around her friend.

"I'm so mean," Seh sobbed and clung to Leah.

"Aww," Leah laughed a little and hugged her. "No, no, you're not mean, you're just extremely pregnant," Leah reasoned with her. Cassidy was all over the place recently. She was dramatic before, but now she was over the top. Leah wondered what Isabella acted like since she was usually the logical one.

"And I miss Iz," Cassidy sobbed into her red shirt making it a dark maroon color now.

"I know," Leah brushed her hands through Cassidy's hair slowly calming her. "I miss her too, but once you both have your little babies, we will be able to work together again."

"but I want her here now!" Cassidy blubbered and reached for her phone.

"Cas, what are you doing?" Leah smiled down at her friend as she wiped her tears. Leah quickly realized that some of her tears had fallen on the papers warping them. She moved the papers into a neat stack a little closer to the middle of the table while Cassidy FaceTimes Isabella.

"My girl," Isabella sang as she answered. Her smile fell when she realized Cassidy was sobbing. "What happened? Where is Leah?" Cassidy set the phone against the fruit bowl in the center of the kitchen table showing that Leah was right behind her.

"Right here," Leah smiled and gave a small wave. "Cassidy missed you." the blonde wiped her cheeks. there was noise in the back of the call. Carlos emerging.

"Hello," He waved.

"Hey Carlos," Cassidy laughed a little. Leah rested her head on Cassidy's shoulder.

Heart of Gold | L.N. - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now