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"Max, why is Leah lifting more than you?" Jackson laughed as he put down a few of the eights.

"Because she's a show-off," Max grimaced as he lifted one of the dumbbells.

"As if," Christian laughed as he came into the gym.

"Chris," Leah smiled at him. She sat up and wiped her sweaty hands on her pants. He came over and patted her shoulder. "You both working hard?" He looked over at Max who set down the fifty-pound dumbbell.

"I am," Leah looked over at Max who was doing a light workout.

"As always," He laughed. "I was told I must make an appearance so this is it, have a fun day, train hard, Max." He pointed at the driver before he left the gym once again. Leah got up and walked over to her water taking a drink.

"Look you just got me into trouble," Max scoffed as he pointed a finger in her face. Leah shook her head.

"No, no, no that was you," She reasoned and pulled his finger down. He sighed and picked up his water aggressively taking another drink.

"Did you see the new team poster?" Max asked as he pointed to the wall. Leah and he were back to back staring intensely. That was an interesting film day. Leah wasn't allowed to smile. So of course, Lando wasn't there. It was only Max, Jackson, and Luke, their job was to piss her off. So they argued with her for thirty minutes about how you can't smell warm or cold. Leah was a firm believer that warmth had a scent.

"They always make me look so angry," She tilted her head as she stared at it. "It's fucking cool," She smiled. Max just shook his head at the girl.

"Leah, you need to do your stretches," Jackson added as she threw out a yoga mat. He was dripping in sweat, his grey tank top was dark from it all.

"I hate those and neck training," She shook her shoulder out and did a handstand rolling to lay out on the mat. She let out an exaggerated sigh.

"What can you do?" Max asked. "Gymnist wise?"

"I am by no means a gymnast," She laughed as her hands fell at her sides.

"Can all women do that?" Jackson asked as he too sat down on a mat stretching out. Leah sat up and went into the splits. she smiled and leaned back onto her back before pushing herself up into a backbend.

"Can you do like-," Max put his mat down too, and then pointed at her. "What are those things called?" Max asked.

"Uh that could mean a lot of things," Jackson laughed.

"Oh never mind," Max sighed as stood up abandoning the stretching and moving to the neck training machine. Leah was just casually talking with Jackson while they finished the video. Leah kinda forgot this whole session was being videoed, but then again that would make sense why Christian had to make an appearance.

"I gotta go meet Lando, I will see you all tomorrow in Monaco," She gave Max a hug and then Jackson. Leah drove back to her house and showered and got dressed. They went out to eat and then got to Lando's interviews. Daniel and Lando sat down together in the chairs as they waited for the questions to start.

"Lando, how do you think the race will go this weekend?"

"I think that with a few of the improvements to the cars we could see a little more points on the board, but most likely not many," He answered with a smile. ,

"Dude, what is Leah doing?" Daniel laughed as he pointed to the corner where Leah was dancing for no reason. She had her AirPods in and she was dancing to her music. Lando realized what she was doing and started laughing.

Heart of Gold | L.N. - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now