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Cassidy and Isabella both had their babies in the same week. So after this weekend, she will be able to go back and spend more time with the babies. They were in Austria this weekend and it was media day. Leah sat down on the couch ready for questions. She was by herself for now Max was late.

"Leah, how excited are you for the new additions to your family?" Amanda asked. Leah was in the hospital the day that Elizabeth was born. Cassidy's mother had flown out a few days before she was induced and so her mother was in the delivery room with her instead of Leah, which she didn't mind.

"I am happy for both of them and Carlos Sainz as well, everyone congratulates him, on his beautiful baby boy, Alejandro." She smiled as more people started to come in. Charles, Max, Daniel, and Lando.

"Do you have any plans for children in the future?" Lando sat down and lifted his mic up fast.

"That is a direct question and let's focus on a smaller thing for the time being," He laughed and Leah placed her hand on his knee as she crossed her legs.

"I do not see myself having children in the near future," She explained. "My friends just gave birth to two beautiful babies, so I don't think I have to worry about having children for a while."

"It would take her off the grid too fast," Max chuckled.

"So no kids?" Someone asked.

"Not for a while no," Lando smiled as he answered. Leah rested her head on his shoulder as a few photographers took photos.

They knew how to work the media but Leah was actually just exhausted. She didn't sleep much last night and had to hide the hickeys this morning, but that was all Landos' fault. He put his hand around her back and rested it on her waist as he pulled the two of them closer. The media was done quickly and they went back to hospitality. Leah was getting ready to eat a few things, but Christian came in and got her attention.

"Leah," Christian called her over. There were cameras behind him. She smiled at them for a moment.

"What's up?" She asked. She looked around for Jackson, but he wasn't around so Leah wasn't sure what this was entirely.

"DTS wanted to do a segment on you, would you be willing to shoot a little bit of that for now, it would be a backstory portion, you can say no," Christian assured her. She nodded.

"Oh yeah sure, I mean it's better to clear things up than people continue to guess," She laughed nervously and messed with her ring. Her father's ring is on one hand and Lando's is on her ring finger. Christian guided her into another room where she sat down on a couch, the cameras all pointing at her.

"Where do I start?" She asked. The room was dimmer and she curled up on the couch trying to make herself comfortable.

"From the beginning," Amanda appeared and sat down beside her. "And we can stop whenever you want, we do not have to continue if it's too much." Leah nodded but continued to play with her ring. She would feel better if Lando was here, but she didn't want to ask someone to get him.

"So my childhood," Leah laughed a little. "Growing up I had expectations from all around me, my brothers didn't want a little sister, so they were teaching me how to be tough like them, handle emotions like them, my cousins were constantly trying to compare me to them, and that set my mother off because she wanted to be able to brag about me. So she decided that since my father was in F1 for a time, but cancer killed him too early she was going to have me try for it instead." Leah took a deep breath. "Um," Her voice shook. "My dad was the only one who wanted me to be a kid while I went through karting, he traveled with me, did everything with me, for me, wanted me to have fun, up until he was diagnosed, and then my mother had to take over. She wanted me to be the best. Wanted me to always strive for first."

Heart of Gold | L.N. - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now