Part 7

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The next morning, you just got up, but you still felt pain in your cheek

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The next morning, you just got up, but you still felt pain in your cheek. You groaned, lifting the covers and making your way into the bathroom. Lifting your head, you looked at the mirror only to find the bruise was still red and swollen, right under your eye. After grabbing an ice pack, you sat down in the kitchen, when Nicky bursted through the door.

"I'll just have cereal today, thank you."She said, her voice louder as she was approaching your kitchen.

"Can you ever have breakfast in your own house?" You asked, pressing the ice pack against your cheek, making yourself wince.

"You know that I-" She walked into the kitchen, her gaze immediately falling on the bruise. "What the fuck is that?"She was by your side in an instant, gently moving your hand from the bruise and looking at it."What happened?"

"It doesn't matter." You mumbled out.

"What do you mean it doesn't matter?"She asked. "What is this? Hold on - you went to see Chase yesterday, did he-" She trailed off, her eyes widening in realization. "Did he do this?"

"Just... don't mention him, please." You said.

"He did?" She asked again. "I'm gonna kill him."

Before she could get up, you placed your hand over hers, keeping her in place. "No. I had enough of scandals and him using me. Don't do anything."You mumbled out.

"Does Tony know?" She asked.

"Why would I tell him about this?"You turned to look at her. "He doesn't care about it. And it's not something that should concern him, anyway."

Nicky let out a breath. She knew she couldn't change your mind, so she stayed silent, walking into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"Does Sofia know?" Nicky asked as she placed a plate in front of you.

"No. And she won't find out. I texted her to let her know I won't be doing anything for this week." You said.

"I get that you don't want Tony to know, but maybe it would be the best if Sofia-"

"No. I don't want her to know." You interrupted her.

"Okay." Nicky frowned.

Over the following days, you only went out of the house a couple of times. The bruise, instead of disappearing, only turned a color that was in between blue and purple. You somehow managed to avoid Sofia, and Tony didn't text you anyway. You were on a voice call with Sofia that morning, and she was getting suspicious.

"I've been delaying the engagement photoshoot for the whole week already."She said. "People will get suspicious if we don't make any moves soon. Are you sure you're okay without doctors?"

You rolled your eyes. You've been lying to her you have a cold, and you just couldn't get rid of it. "Yeah, I'm fine." You said, looking at the mirror in the hallway. The bruise was almost gone. "It's getting better."

"Alright, can we schedule it for 29th?"She asked and your eyes widened when you realized that was in 2 days.

"Y-Yeah, I'll text you." You told her. "I gotta go now."

You quickly ended the call and opened the chat with your makeup artist, Louise.

"How good are you at covering up bruises?"

You breathed out when she saw the message right away and started typing.

"You know I'm great at it."

"Perfect. Can you be here at 10 am on 29th?"

"You got it. What happened?"

"I'll tell you about it when I see you."

You breathed out in relief.

You were already in deep sleep that night when you heard your door bell ring. You jumped, startled, before looking at the time, only to see it was about 2 am. You hurried to the door to open them, only to find Chase standing in front of them. Just as you were about to close them as soon as you saw his face, he stuck his foot out to stop you from doing so. "Please, baby, just hear me out."

"What do you want, Chase?" You asked and he pushed the door, leaving enough space to come in and slam the door closed.

"I'm so sorry about everything." He said, taking hold of your hand, but you snatched it out of his hold.


"No, please!" Your eyes widened when he got on his knees in front of you, wrapping his hands around you, while he leaned his forehead against your stomach. "I'm sorry about everything. I love you, Y/N."

"Don't talk to me about love. You cheated on me with the first girl that was willing to spread her legs for you-"

"I know, I know. God, just don't remind me." You felt your shirt getting soaked and you looked down, only to see he was crying. Your fists clenched as a memory resurfaced in your brain. It happened months before, Chase on his knees, hugging you like this, begging you not to leave him. Your relationship was hanging on by a thread, and after what happened a few days ago, it finally snapped, not being able to handle everything. You bit on your tongue as you tried to force yourself to think about anything else but that night."Please don't leave me. You're the love of my life."

"Did she leave you?" You asked, looking down at him.

"Yes." He said. "I'm sorry I'm making you go through this, I know I said I won't ever make you cry again after you lost the baby-"

"Please leave, Chase." Your small voice said, eyes filling with tears as he brought it up again. "I can't do this."

"It was a mistake."

"A mistake?" You asked and he looked up at you. "What exactly? Cheating on me, or me finding out?"


"Would you still continue to do it if I didn't find out that day? Would you let me marry you, without any idea you're cheating on me?"

"No! I told her it was the last time-"

"Lucky me!" You tried to push him away, but he was too strong. "I would've married a fucking cheater!"

"I'm sorry."

"Cheaters like you are always sorry."You shook your head, wiping the few tears that escaped your eyes."Leave me, please, Chase. I can't deal with this tonight."

When he felt your hands push him away, he let go. He followed your figure with his gaze as you opened your door and gestured at him to go. He lowered his head, wiping his tears before he got up and walked towards the door. "I'm sorry again, Y/N. I just need you to know that."

You nodded your head and watched him leave. After closing the door, you sank to the floor, pulling your knees up to your chest as you sat on the floor and cried. Your breathing almost cut off as your act of a strong woman fell apart in the privacy of your home, where no one could see you and judge you. You managed to drag yourself to your bedroom where you let out sobs and cries into your pillow as your heart bled. You couldn't deny you still loved Chase, but there was no way you could go back to how it was ever again.

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