Part 40

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It was hours later since your fighr with Tony. Natasha was the first to notice what was going on. She went to the lab, only to see Tony was working on the suit again. He was clearly furious and not focused on what he was doing, resulting in him getting even more angry and making the suit parts fall on the floor. "Fuck!" He lashed out, pushing the parts away and making everything from the table fall on the floor.

"What's going on?"

Tony looked up from the table. Natasha noticed he cut his hand, drops of his blood falling on the white table. "Where the hell did you come from?" He asked.

"Don't change the subject." She said, walking towards him. "I heard you and Y/N yelling."

"None of your business."

"Y/N is my friend." Natasha said. "And Friday told me she left in tears. So, I believe it is my business, actually."

"She cheated on me with Steve." Tony said, looking up and meeting her gaze."Is that what you wanted to know?"

"What?!" She asked. "Are you sure?"

"I walked in on them kissing in my office. So, yes."

He looked at her, expecting her to say something to him, at least agree with him, but he was met with her cold stare.

"You're so stupid." She said. "You're aware that Steve likes her? He confessed to me he likes her the first time he met her. What if he kissed her? And she didn't want it? She loves you."

"That can't be true." Tony said. "If she didn't want it, then she would've pushed him away."

"You have cameras in there, why didn't you check the footage?"

"And have to look at them kissing again? No, thank you."

"Some genius you are." Natasha tsked."Friday, do you have the footage of Y/N and Steve in the office from today?"

"Of course." The AI replied before a hologram appeared, displaying footage of you in the office, just as Steve walked in. Friday sped it up, to the moment Steve pushed you against the table, trapping you in between the table and his body before kissing you.

Natasha sighed, turning her head to look at Tony, whose heart dropped to his stomach. He watched you slap Steve right after he left the office, before you rushed after him. He could hear the beeping sound in his ears, all sounds simply fading away. He couldn't believe what he had done and said to you.

"Friday, why didn't you show me this earlier?"

"You didn't ask, boss."

"You're... dumb."

"I do take after my creator."

Natasha let out a chuckle, before patting Tony's back. "I heard... most of the stuff you said to her. You've got a lot to apologize for, if she didn't already leave. I don't know how she will forgive you, but I know she's equally stupid for putting up with this kind of treatment from you. I know I wouldn't." She told him before she left.

Tony tried calling you immediately, but you didn't pick up. He tried again and again, but still nothing. He sent you a message, telling you to answer his calls, but you didn't reply. He picked up his keys and rushed out to his car. When he got home, he went to check every single room, searching for you, but he didn't find you. He opened the closet, seeing your clothes were still there, but your documents were no longer there. He sat down on the bed, placing his head in his hands as he tried to think of what to do.

Days passed since your fight with Tony. You bought an apartment on the other end of the city. It didn't take long for the people on your social medias to notice the lack of pictures of you and Tony, along with the fact you two haven't been seen together.

You were currently with Thor in a mall, he was helping you pick out clothes and even makeup. You were currently picking out lipstick for yourself while Thor carried your shopping bags. "Does this one look good?" You held it up towards Thor, who took it, getting a closer look.

"The color is nice."

"And it smells amazing!" You told him, opening it and smearing a small bit on the back of his hand. "Smell it."

He brought it up to his nose, a smile spreading on his face. "I like this." He told you. "I believe it will go very well with the black dress you bought earlier."

"You read my mind." You told him, picking out a few other things before pulling him towards face masks."Come on, we're doing face masks later!"

"What's that?" He asked, making you look at him.

"You don't know?" You asked him, picking out the cucumber one for yourself. "I see I have a lot to teach you." You chuckled. "This is a sheet mask, it goes on your face like this."You showed him a picture and a grin spread on his face.

"Can I get the coconut one? Oh, there's also pomegranate! Oh, and watermelon!"

Some time later, Thor, Nicky and you were sat on your balcony, each one of you wearing bath robes, sheet masks on your faces and a glass of champagne in your hands. You looked at Thor, a headband on him to hold his long blonde hair behind, the bunny ears on the headband making you chuckle. "I see why you find this relaxing." He said.

"We should do this every day."Nicky added.

You sighed, making Thor squeeze your hand.

"Brighten up, Y/N. You're my best friend, it's hard to watch you like this." He said.

"Forget about him." Nicky said, taking a sip of her champagne.

You looked at Thor. "If I give you money, would you beat Steve up for me?"

"How much money are we talking about?" Thor moved his chair closer to you, interested in the offer.

"A million bucks. Literally."

Thor's eyebrows furrowed. "How many Pop Tarts can I buy with that?"

"A lot." Nicky replied.

"I'm in, then. I mean, I was in when you mentioned beating Rogers up, but since you're offering... "


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