Part 33

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The following morning, you got back from your morning run and closed the door to the mansion

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The following morning, you got back from your morning run and closed the door to the mansion. You could hear sounds coming from the kitchen. Tony emerged from the kitchen, his eyebrows furrowed when he saw you."What... exactly are you doing?"

"I went for my morning run." You replied, taking your bottle of water before opening it.

"So, that's why I woke up to an empty bed." Tony said. "I wanted to make you breakfast in bed, but you already left."

"You mean order breakfast?"

"No, I wanted to cook you something."Tony replied, which made a grin appear on your face before it quickly disappeared.

"Is- Is that smoke?" Your eyes widened when you looked behind him, noticing dark smoke coming out of the kitchen.

"Shit." Tony mumbled out as he ran back to the kitchen, while you shook your head.

When you entered the kitchen, Tony had a window open while he emptied the contents of a pan into trash. "I guess that was your breakfast."

"Straight into trash." Tony replied, placing the pan into sink, before he looked at you. "Looks like we're gonna order something." He said, pulling his phone out of his jeans pocket. "Again."

You let out a chuckle. "You order us something, and I'm going to shower."You approached him, placing a peck on his lips as he wrapped his hands around you. "And you can join me when you're done."

"I like that." His hands traveled down towards your ass before you slapped them away.

"No funny business, Mr. Stark. I'm still sore."

"Whatever you say, honey." He said.

When you were both done with showers and breakfast, you went to his bedroom to pick out your clothes, before you made your way to the garage, where Tony was. He was sat behind a computer, talking to Jarvis."Hi, baby." He immediately pushed his chair away from the table when he noticed you, making enough space for you to squeeze in, and Tony forgot all about his job. You were leaning against the table while Tony wrapped his hands around you, leaning his forehead against your stomach.

"You're working on something? Should I go?"

"No, no. Don't go." He tightened his hold on you, making you smile. He looked up at you, his eyes widening in realization. "What's that shirt, sweetheart?"

You grinned. "You can read, right?"You asked, straightening the shirt as if he didn't already read what it said.

"I- I just-" He scratched the back of his neck. "No words."

"I like it

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"I like it." You grinned.


"You didn't tell me what you're working on." You looked down at him, running your fingers through his hair.

"Alright, we'll get back to that shirt. The team is going on a mission."

"And you're going, too?"

"Kind of. I have to go to the Tower. And you're coming with me."

"Is Nicky going to be there?"

"Probably. Nicky and Bruce are like a package deal now." He replied, rubbing your waist with his thumbs, a look you knew very well flashing in his eyes. "Are you still sore?"

You let out a laugh, which was silenced with his mouth. He kissed you harshly, pushing you against the table as he towered above you. Just then, the doorbell rang. Tony let out an annoyed sigh. "Who is that?"

"Sir, it's the cleaning service you ordered." Jarvis replied.

"Let them in, Jarvis. I'll be up in a minute."  Tony said while you straightened his shirt. "They just had to interrupt us."

"Later. I'll go and change."

"No, no, leave that shirt on." Tony smirked. "I wanna see Cap's reaction."

"You're evil." You replied.

An hour later, Tony parked in front of the Avengers Tower and you both left the car. Tony glanced at you, then back at the car as you were walking towards the entrance. You met his gaze, knowing he was thinking about how he had you bent over the hood of it just last night.

As Tony entered a room where the team was gathered, he ran straight into Natasha. "Somebody's in a rush."

Natasha glared at him."Yes. I was going to drive straight to your house and drag you all the way here."

Tony smirked. "No need for that now. I'm here." He made his way around her, looking at the rest of the team, Nicky and Sofia. He raised an eyebrow when he saw the two women. "Hello people who do not live here."

"Tony." Bruce rolled his eyes.

"I'm not here for you, playboy." Nicky said.

"And I'm here because I heard you have great coffee." Sofia nodded her head.

Tony narrowed his eyes at Sofia."Watch it, everything you see around here comes out of my pocket."

"Blah blah, yes I missed you too, Tony."

"Something's different about you."Natasha said in a suspicious tone.

Tony shrugged. "Nothing's different."

"Nat's right." Steve said, walking inside the room, coming out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee that he placed in front of Sofia. "Something is different."

"Well, he's sober. A nice change." Clint said.

"It's not just that." Natasha shook her head.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Nicky was the first to notice you and she let out a scream before rushing towards you, almost knocking you over. "Y/N!" She screamed.

"That's it. That's the change." Natasha said.

"You're here!" Nicky still didn't let go of you, holding you tightly. "Why didn't you tell me you're coming? When did you-"

"I think that's enough questions."Tony said, peeling Nicky off of you. "Let her breathe, you'll catch up later."

"Don't be jealous." Nicky said before her eyes widened. "Oh, my God! You two arrived together! Does that mean-"

Tony cut her off as he wrapped an arm around your waist. "Yes, we're together."

"Nice of you to lower your standards and date Tony." Natasha winked at you, while Tony sent a glare her way. She rolled her eyes. "Someone can't take a joke." She mumbled out before pulling you into a hug.

Steve's gaze fell to your shirt and he turned towards Bruce. "You know what, sometimes I regret learning to read."

Later, the team was in a meeting and you were looking down at the city when you heard footsteps behind you. You didn't have to turn around to realize who it was, as Steve's reflection was staring back at you.

"Y/N." He greeted you.

"Cap. Aren't you in the meeting?"

"We just wrapped it up. Everybody's preparing for the mission right now."

You nodded.

"I just wanted to ask you something."


"Are you sure it's a wise decision to go back to your ex?" He asked, making you turn around to face him almost immediately.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just... concerned for you." He said. "I'm sorry, it's not my place. I just don't want to see you hurt again."

You looked at him for a few moments before you started to walk away from him. "I'm sorry, I have to go with Nicky and Sofia. We'll talk later, Cap."

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