Part 14

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"A quick question

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"A quick question." Tony said, locking his phone and placing it on the table in between you. "Who chose our 'honeymoon' destinations?"

You peeled your gaze away from the airplane window and shrugged. "I did. I mean, Sofia did it first, but I didn't like them. So, I switched some of them. She doesn't care about it really. She only wants pictures and stories to sell."

"That's very accurate." Tony replied, meeting your gaze. "She seems like a control freak. No offense."

"Sofia is... well, Sofia. She's very good at her job. I was forced to work with her in the beginning of my career. We hated each other. But now, it feels like I can't live without her. Literally. She's breathing down my neck every second of the day. We're friends now, but I sometimes fear what she's capable of." You added with a laugh.

"That's cute. I actually... don't know Ian." He said, making your eyebrows furrow.

"But- he's constantly with you?"

"Well, that doesn't mean we're friends. He does his job, I do mine and that's it."

"And I guess your job is making his job harder?"

"Kind of." Tony nodded. "But I pay him very well, so he can't complain. He's stuck with me."

"Can I ask you something?" You looked up at Tony, who nodded.


"How did you meet Cassie?" You asked, making Tony stiffen up. You immediately opened your mouth to correct yourself. "You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. I'm sorry for asking."

"No, no, it's fine." He replied, relaxing into his seat. "Cassie... well, she used to work for SHIELD. Not as an agent, of course, but she did work in the administration. The first time I saw her was when I was in a meeting with Fury after Vanko tried to blow me up, quite literally. I invited her out on a date and she accepted. Then, she just left SHIELD and Pepper was sick. So, I asked her to replace Pepper for a few days. She accepted and we started getting closer. When Pepper came back, I offered Cassie a job in my company. Eventually, we fell in love, you could say. I spent almost every day with her. Until we grew apart."

"That's a cute story." You smiled at Tony.

"With a sad ending."

"Do you still love her?"

"I spent so much time with her, more than with any other woman in my life." Tony said. "We were with each other in our worst and in our happiest moments. I guess a small part of me still loves her. But, I don't think we're fit for each other. She deserves someone better."He looked down at the table as he was talking and you felt your stomach twist. "What about you and Chase? How did you meet?"

You let out a chuckle. "We know each other for a very long time. We used to be friends first. We met through a mutual friend. He was perfect." You smiled as you remembered. "The boyfriend I dreamed of having as a little girl. My parents and siblings adored him. He was my first, in every possible meaning. The first boy I ever loved, actually. For the first two years, he was perfect."

"And then?" Tony asked, leaning forward on the table.

You shrugged. "We started having arguments way more than we usually did. Over some stupid things. That's also when I moved in with him. My career slowly started. I had another year left at college, so I was pretty busy. But he was, as well. He inherited his father's company, it was stressful for him, I know that. He was young and knew nothing about running a company. He-" You avoided looking at Tony. "He would get mad over smallest things. He had moodswings more and more. One minute he was so sweet and caring towards me, and another he would yell. It got worse when he found about my sketches. He said no one would ever hire me, he started invalidating my work, feelings and efforts. Nicky used to be my stylist at the time. She could see I was crying and asked me if he made me cry again. My only response, at the time, was that it was my fault. He made me truly believe that. He made me skip lectures and almost convinced me to drop my job. Thankfully, Nicky was there. She really helped me, it's because of her I started getting more and more offers. She introduced me to one of her friends, who noticed my designs and offered me to have my own fashion show. Chase used to tell people it was thanks to him and they believed him. He was controlling in every possible way. But, he never really hit me until a few days ago. Is it wrong that I still, somehow, love him even though he hurt me?"

"I can't judge you." Tony said. "I'm the least person who can do that, giving my... questionable life choices. But, as your friend, I can tell you that guy is not good for you. I don't know him well, but judging by what you said and the bruise I saw the other day, I'm not sure he's the right choice for you. I didn't actually know it was him who was responsible for the bruise until now, but I had my suspicions. Yes, you spent a long time together, but maybe it's time to move on. When this is over, that is."

You nodded. Deep down, there was still a part of you that loved Chase and you knew it wouldn't be easy getting over him, not even with a new relationship, as Nicky suggested."We really weren't lucky in love, were we?"

Tony smiled. "Yeah. You can change it, though."

"You won't?"

Tony looked out the window. "I don't want relationships anymore. I tried it plenty of times when I was young, then with Cassie. It didn't really work out any of those times. Relationships aren't for me anymore. You will try, though?"

You shrugged. "I don't know. I'll need time."

"That's understandable. You should give yourself time to heal. Away from Chase, I suggest."

"We'll see."

Tony smiled at the flight attendant who approached you with drinks."So, Paris?"

"The city of love." You leaned in your seat. "An ideal destination for our honeymoon."

"What made you choose it?"

You chuckled. "Sofia chose this one, actually. I'm glad she did. You can take pictures of me. And I can do some shopping." You said as the girl placed your drinks in front of you, then left.

"I knew I should've brought Happy."Tony chuckled.

"Happy? Why?"

"Are you kidding me? I know you women. I won't be enough to carry all of your bags."

You winked at him. "I'm sure you'll manage."

"If you repay me very well." He added in a flirty voice.

"Really? What do you suggest?"

"You can start by sucking my cock and we'll see from there."

"I'll think about it."

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