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Swagger X Zuckels X Fitz ( Eric X Mason X Cameron )

( 743 Words)

Eatthesouls = Eric

Zucsthesuck = Mason

Bestguyfitz = Cameron

Zucsthesuck: When the fuck we all gonna hang again

Eatthesouls: I'm not doing anything tonight

Bestguyfitz: Wanna come over to my place?

Zucsthesucks: Beetttt

Zucsthesucks: When I should head over

Bestguyfitz: Whenever. I'm just catching up on tv

Zucsthesucks: Beetttt

Eatthesouls: I'll be over in a bit then

---end messages---

Mason's P.o.v.

I drop my phone onto my bed and incessantly start searching for a backpack or bag I could use. Not like I really need a bag since I'll probably only end up bringing my phone and maybe a charger.

I give up on my search for a bag and instead turn to the dresser. I search in the top drawer for my favorite light blue lace thong, along with a simple pair of socks. When I find them, I toss them onto the bed and turn to find pajama pants. Then I look in the closet again but this time in search of a shirt. After a good ten minutes of searching and trying on a bunch of different options I finally found a suitable band shirt. I toss the shirt and pants next on the bed next to the other clothing, and walk to the bathroom to shower.

I turn on the water, and undress while I wait for it to warm up. By the time all my clothes are off the water is warm enough to the touch. I turn it up a little as soon as I step in as it's a bit cold to me. I begin my shower with shampoo, scrubbing it into my scalp. When I'm sure it's clean enough I put my head under the water and rinse the shampoo out of the little hair I have. I squirt a decent amount of body wash onto my hands and then start rubbing it all over me. Starting at my shoulders and working my way down. After ridding myself of soap I turn off the water and start drying myself off.

Making my way back into the bedroom I put the clothes left on the bed on, grab my phone and make my way to the front door. As my hand touches the handle I remember I need my keys to lock the door, so I run back to the bedroom to grab them before finally heading out.

Eric's P.o.v.

I was sitting at my desk watching stupid youtube videos when my phone lit up. Curious, I grab it and unlock my phone. Seeing that it was a message from Mason sent through one of our many group chats.

I quickly reply and then start to get ready. I knew that when Mason was the one asking to hang out it meant he had something sexual planned. I go into my closet and grab my box of sex toys, then carefully putting it into a bag. I also grab a phone charger, tooth brush, and a bottle of lube before sipping the bag up. I grab my phone to respond to the chat before I look for my keys. Almost forgetting the bag before heading out the door and to the car .

Cameron's P.o.v.

I quickly began cleaning up the place.Throwing any loose trash away. Puting all dirty dishes into the sink before I quickly rinse them and start the dishwasher. I then head into the bedroom and take off the jeans and change into some sweats.

The bathroom is next, and I'm quick on my feet to move there. Knowing I don;t have much time before the boys arrive. I grab my toothbrush and wet it before lathering toothpaste on it. I brush my teeth thoroughly before rinsing the tooth brush and putting it away. I then put on some deodorant and make my way back into the living room.

As I reach the edge of the couch, there's a knock on my front door, and then it's opening. Revealing Mason. He moves to sit on the couch, and before I can say anything to him, Eric is next at the door. Except Eric just walks in unannounced.

Now it's time to get this party started. As the boys get situated I go to the kitchens and grab enough beers for us to have two each. When I get back to the living room I hand them Out and then take a seat on the couch in between the others.

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