
642 16 3

Ship: Swags and Cameron
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: I think they deserve a nice moment together


The outside air was cold, the breeze making the trees shake, and shivers going down Erics back as he walks around the park.

Everyone had a busy day. Matt has been editing the podcast all day, Jay and Mason filming, Toby streaming, Eric had a hard day at the gym, and no one knew where Can was.

But Cam was out in the Misfits back yard, planning a small picnic for himself and Eric to enjoy. He packed sandwiches, fruit, drinks, and Eric's favourite wine.

He was in the middle of placing candles around when he heard Ryan yell out the door. "He's back!"

Cam hurries and lights the last candle before  making his way down the steps and through the back door.

"Where did he go?" Cam ask, looking around.

"I think he went up to his room." Ryan doesn't look up from his phone but points his finger towards the stairs.

"Thanks." He takes the steps three at a time.

He slowly walks over to the door, but stops and takes a deep breath. Claiming his nerves a bit before giving a soft knock to the door.

He hears shuffling before the door opens, showing a happy Eric.

"Where have you been all day?" He ask, stepping out of his room and grabbing Cam's hand.

"Fixing something up for you." He smiles and starts to walk back down the stairs.

When they reach the back door, cam opens it and steps out. Shutting it as Eric walks out. They walk along the pool and up the steps. Eric awwing as he saw the blanket, basket and candles.

"Happy one year honey." Cam bends down and leaves a passionate kiss on his lips. "Wanna eat?"

"Why'd you even ask?" Both boys let out a little laugh as they sit on the blanket.

Cameron pulls out the food and lays everything in front of them. They both grab the sandwichs and take a big bite.

"Did you make this?" Eric ask, taking another bite.

"You don't need to know information." Cam laughs.

"You made Matt do it, didn't you?" Eric puts down his food and stares at Cameron.

"Maybe." Eric doesn't say anything back, but laughs. Which causes a smile to appear on Cam's face. Enjoying how happy the smaller one is.

"This is nice." He smiles at the taller. "Even though it's a little cold, it's wonderful."

"I'm glad you like it. Mason kept telling me that it was stupid." Laughing, Eric pours himself more wine.

"Yeah, well Mason is fucking retarded sometimes." They both laugh at that, but then it goes into a comfortable silence.

Both just eating and drinking, Eric drinking a bit more than what he needed. His movements were sloppy and words slurred together. Plus he can't stop laughing.

"Alright. You've had to much wine. C'mon, let's get you to bed." Cam stands up and holds out a hand.

Eric gets up with the help of Cameron, but once they're up they start walking. After a lot of stumbling, they finally make it into Eric's room.

Eric flops onto the bed and passes out. Leaving Cameron to take off the smallers jacket, pants, and shoes. When he's done he flops on the bed and cuddles up to Eric, enjoying the warmth.

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