
490 11 2

Ship: Matt and Cam
Warnings: None
Genre: fluff
Notes: I cut my finger down to the bone at work yesterday, yay! Important A/N at the end


"Are you ready?" I ask, raising the gun to his head.

"Do it, pussy." Matt says back. Taking a step forward so the gun is right in front of his face.

"You asked for it." A smile grows on my face as I press down on the trigger. Water shooting out and landing on his face. Laughter escapes my mouth and I keep squirting water on him.

"This isn't fair! We only have one water gun!" He starts running around the pool, but next thing I know he's slipping and lands face down in the pool.

I start laughing even harder, bending over a bit with my hand on my stomach.

"What the fuck was that?" I hear Eric yell from inside.

"Matt just fell in the pool!" I yell back.

I walk over to where he fell in and bent down. "You ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, but now my face fucking hurts." He swims to the edge of the pool, so I offer him a hand.

I should've expecting something to go wrong, but I didn't. When his hand latches onto mine, he gives it a rough pull and into the pool I go.

"Oh you bitch!" I exclaim. I splash him him with water, laughing.

"That's what you get." He gets out of the pool and walks into the house.

"I should've seen that coming, christ." I let out one last chuckle before getting out and drying off.


I have a pilot chapter for a new book I'm working on. It's Swags, iNut, and Fitz.

Most of it is based off a true events that's happened with me and my two friends. I have some gifs, pictures and videos that will give some context to some of the chapters.

Anyway, I'm working on the last bit right now. I'm planning on the first part around 7- midnight. (It's 5:30 right now). But look out for that!

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