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Ship: Matt and Toby
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: I feel like this is an underrated ship. (I know Toby doesn't stream in the house anymore but shhh, and you'll understand what that means if you read¯\_(ツ)_/¯)


Matt could tell something was wrong with Toby. She wasn't acting her normal self, nor was she getting enough sleep. The bags under her eyes got more define as the days passed.

Matt has been planning to cheer her up. It took him a little while to have a good idea, but when he got it. He knew he had to do it. Hopefully it would bring a smile to her beautiful face.

The next day he woke up and checked to see if Toby was streaming, which she was. So at 7am Matt was getting up. Walking to his desk and grabbing his little, loud alarm clock that the boys tell him never to use.

He made his way out and in the middle of the upstairs living room. He found a outlet and plugged it in. He set the alarm to 7:10am. He gently put it the floor and knocked on Toby's door. Completely that he is only in his boxers.

He could hear her talking to chat about who it could be. Then she yelled through the door to come in.

"Oh, hi Matt." A blush forming on her face as she looks over.

He gave a little wave with a smile. He walked further into the room, until he was sitting on the edge of Toby's bed.

"Hi chat!" He yells, a little to loudly.

"What brought you here?" Toby goes back to playing the game, but continues to talk to Matt.

"Oh, yeah! What time is it?" He ask. Mentally smacking him for forgetting.

"7:08. Why?" She responds.

"I have my really loud and annoying alarm clock by the couch. I also might've had to unplug the tv." He furrows his eyebrows, trying to remember if he did or not. Shaking his head, he looks back up at Toby. Chat going crazy about it.

"Wait what?" He questions, laughing lightly.

"I'm gonna get fucking beat, that's what." He jumps up and runs towards the door. But before he had time to open it, the alarm went off. Sending an obnoxiously loud ring into the air.

He could hear Erics door open first. A bunch of mumbled curses following. Toby gets out of her chair and opens the door, wide enough to where they could both see what was going on. Even if they already knew.

"Where the fuck is that coming from!?" Eric yells over the ringing. Coving his ears.

Nobody says anything, but two fingers that point to the small black object sitting on the ground.

Eric stomps over to it and unplugs it from the wall. Dropping it on the ground and then stalks to his room; slamming the door behind him.

Jay has been standing in his doorway the whole time. Half asleep and his blanket wrapped around him. He shrugs and walks back into his room.

"Im trying to fuckin sleep here cunt!" Mason yells from his room, slamming his door after.

Matt and Toby slowly look at each other and start laughing. They close the door and laugh even more. They look over at chat and see that people are freaking out. People spamming "clip that." Others saying, "Someone better have recorded that."

But Matt didn't want to make a video out of it, he just wanted to see Toby laugh. And to see her face light up with joy, meant the world to him. And that's how they're morning started. Toby ended her stream while Matt was downstairs in the kitchen. Making them some of his world famous buttermilk pancakes, and some eggs to go along.

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