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Ship: Swags and Bucks
Warnings: Short but Sweet
Genre: Fluff
Notes: Just some cuddles


"How the fuck do you like it here?" I ask, grabbing my suitcase from the car. Stumbling a bit because the edibles are still affecting me.

"I just like the city, stop hating on me." He laughs and opens his front door for me. 

I let out a sigh and put my suitcase by the door, kicking off my shoes and fall onto the couch. Taking up most of the couch.

"Oh yeah, make yourself at home. Not like I wanted to sit as well." He rolls his eyes with a smile on his face and walks to the front door, taking my suitcase to a room. "I'm serious, I wanna sit down too." He crosses his arms and pouts.

"Come cuddle." I hold out my arms and let out a giggle.

"What?" His eyes widen a little, but then a smile takes over. 

He steps over to the couch and carefully lays down on top of me. My arms fall down and rest on his back, while his arms hug my sides. I can feel his breath on my neck and his hair tickling my chin. I smile and nuzzle my head against his. 

"You're really comfy. You might have to visit more often." I laugh and give him a small tight squeeze.

"Fuck no. You come to Melbourne, it's to muggy and gross here." I respond.

"Whatever." He lets out a light laugh and cuddles into me even more. "I'm going to sleep."

"Can't we at least go to your room and sleep. I don't want my back and neck in fucking pain tomorrow." I push him off of me and walk into his room, laying on the bed. 

He walks in a few seconds later and gets under the covers. Cuddling  right back up to me.

"Good night Eric." He whispers.

"Good night Ryan." I give a light kiss to the top of his head before laying back and letting sleep take over.

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