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Ship: Eric and Cam
Warnings: Blood and gore
Genre: Murder but also soft fluff?
Notes: sorry for all the switz

I was dragging the knife through this girls shoulder when I hear a voice behind me.

"Eric honey. What did I tell you about doing this kind of stuff?" I continued to dig the knife farther down till it got to hard to pull. The girl was screaming with every move I made, which made a smile appear on my face.

I can hear his footsteps get closer but that didn't stop me. I plunged the knife back into her seven more times before hands were on my waist, pulling me up and spinning me around.

"Come home. We can take a nice warm shower and then cuddle in bed?" His large hand was on my fave while the other was taking the knife from my hand. I shake my head and get a better grip on the knife before turning back around and stabbing the girl in the stomach one last time.

I stand up and turn to Cam with a smile on my face. I held out the knife to him. He grabbed it smiled at me.

"There you go." He threw the knife in the lake and held my waist. I held his hand as I skipped home. "How'd you get this one?" I sleep down and looked  up at Cam.

"Nothing, she just liked my face." I shrug and continued skipping, giggling as I did so. Once I saw the house I took off running. Almost tripping up the small steps I open the door and barge in. I stand in the door way, blood dripping off my fingers and onto the wooden door frame. My clothes damp with the royal red blood as well.

"Shower?" He says as he steps in, closing and locking the door. I shake my head yes and walk into the bathroom. He starts the shower as I strip down to my boxers, waiting for the water to heat up. Once it's warm enough I take off my boxers and step in, Cam steps in not to long after.

I stand under the shower. Letting all the sticky liquid run down my body. I hear the shampoo bottle open and I feel my head get pulled out of the water. Hands massage my scalp
I hum in approval and rinse it off as hands leave my head. As I'm rinsing out the shampoo hands are running over my body, scrubbing in some places to get dried blood off.

I gasp as a hand slaps my ass. I turn around and hive Cam a small glare, his smile making me smile.

Once we were both clean, I put on boxers and a lose t-shirt. I get in the bed and under the covers. Turning on the tv while I wait. When Cameron comes out of the bathroom he turns off the tv and gets in bed with me.

I cuddle up to his side and wrap my arms around him. His arms wrap around me and pull me closer.

"What am I gonna do with you?" He sighs and laughs a little, but hugs me.

"I love you Cam." I give him a quick kiss and put my head back on his chest, silently falling asleep.

"I love you too my baby boy." Was the last thing I heard that night. Falling asleep without a care in the world, that there's a dead body somewhere on our property.

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