Lufu x Bee

643 13 0

Pairing: Kath and Bee
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: Oh my gosh! Gamer girls! I'm also running out of ideas so request are open! (a ship, and a description of what you want) This is words 1120, holy fuck!


I was new in this place. No one will tell me where I'm at, but I guess that doesn't matter. Most of these people are around my age. There were people who acted completely normal, and others acted like they they just got done with electric shock therapy. Based off how the building looks on the outside and the inside I don't doubt it.

Anyway, let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Kath and I've recently been shoved in a car and walked into this building by my parents and then two guys. I have no idea why I'm here but my parents say it's because, "You're bat shit crazy!" I don't know why they think that though. Bianca has been with me through the 15 minute drive though. She's my friend always by my side, It's kinda cute now that I think about it.

"Whatcha thinking bout." Speak of the devil, here she is.

"How my parents think i'm crazy. Even my own damn friends agreed that I needed help." I scoff and find a seat on the floor in the corner so me and Bianca could talk in peace.

"Ah, that makes sense." We were silent for a minute before I hear a loud beep go off and everyone hurries down a long dark hall and into rooms.

"Hey! Get to your room!" I turn my head when I hear him yell at me.

I walk down the hall following Bee who was in front of me. She turned and walked into a random room. I stayed outside of it looking next to the door to see the name Brodey. I shrug and walk into the room, Bianca was sitting on the ground against the wall. His head turned to look at me and he just stared. 

"You're not Cray. What did you do with Cray?" He got off the bed and started to talk towards me. I backed up until I hit the wall behind me. Then a guy walks into the room. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Bazz calm down. I'm right here." The shorter male I assume is Cray got in between us and he out his hands on Bazz's chest and lightly pushed him back as Bazz's arms wrapped around him. 

Cray turned back around towards me and smiled. "And what's your name miss?"

"Kathleen. Kath for short." I held out my hand for him to shake. 

"Nah, come here!" He held out his arms for a hug. I walk closer and he pulls me in for a short hug before he talks again. "You can't be here though. This is the guy section. You're gonna want to walk to the end of the hall and take a right, go to the end of that hall and take a left. Then either find a worker or find a room." He pushed me out of the room and closed the door behind him. 

I make my journey down the halls. My hand running against the chipped paint as I walk. Bianca behind me so I barley notice when she disappears suddenly. 

As I made it to the girls section there is only one person. She's standing against the door frame, looking at the door in front of her. I guess she heard me walking because her head snaps at me and her face brightness up.

"There you are Kath! I thought I lost you again." She starts to walk to me. "Honey what did I tell you about leaving my side?" When she got closer I could see that it was Binaca! 

"When did you get in front of me?" I ask as we walk back to the room. Out of the corner of my eyes I can see that both of our names are on the whiteboard.

"Oh baby." She looks at me sadly and makes me sit down on the bed while she kneels in front of me. "You're name is Kathleen Belsten. You're 26 years old. I'm your roommate here, and we're also dating but i'll get into that tomorrow when you're better."

"Where are we then?" I curiously ask. 

"Larundel insane asylum. The date is January 18, 1993." My breathing started to get faster. 

"Why are we here, you don't look crazy. And I don't think I'm crazy." My eyes started to water but I blinked to keep the tears in.

"I'm in here because Doctors Diagnosed me with Dissociative Identity Disorder." She states as she looks up at me. "And you are in here because you can see my other personality." She got quieter and whispered the last part. "You've been diagnosed with schizophrenia."

I don't say anything but lean back against the wall. "Why Don't I remember anything?" I ask.

"You will tomorrow, just go to sleep." She laid down on the bed and pulled me close to her. My back pressed up against her. My breathing slowed down and i finally fell asleep with Bee's face resting in my neck.

I woke up the next morning to that god awful ringing noise. I sit up and rub my eyes, looking around to see Bianca still sleeping.

"Bee, get up honey. The bell is ringing, we gotta go." I lightly tap her shoulder till she starts to stir in her sleep. 

"5 more minutes." She turns and shoves her head in the pillow. I laugh lightly and shake her again. 

"I can't let you sleep anymore, the guards will be here soon if we're not in the community room." I get off the bed and start to pull Bee's leg. When one leg is off I go to grab the other one but a hand pulls me down and next thing I know there are lips on mine.

I melt into the kiss and smile a little. "Will you get up now?" 

"One more kiss and I'll get up." She smiles widely at me as I move my head down again. 

Our lips meet just as there's a knock at my door. I sigh as we both get up. I open the door to see Liv standing there. 

"Come on girls, I don't want you to get in trouble." She leaves the door open and walks down the hall and around the corner.

"Lets go babe." Hand in hand we walk down the halls and into the community room where we spend most of our days in this place. My life might be hell and fucked up, but at least I got Bianca to help m through, while I help her.

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