
763 21 0

Ship: Matt and Mason
Warnings: None but short
Genre: Fluff
Notes: What else's do you guys wanna see? I need ideas

"Mason I swear to God of you leave my sight while we are here I'm never going to let you leave the house." We were at the park and I didn't want Maosn to get lost and end up climbing a tree again.

"Yeah, yeah." He slows down and walks besides me. Grabbing my hand. "Why did we leave the house again?"

"Because you just made Swags and me freaks the fuck out when you climbed over that railing." I look over at him and smile a little.

"Oh yeah. Thanks for grabbing my nuts, they fuckin hurt mate." He rubs his balls and almost trips.

"Aye, I just fucking saved you, don't make me do it again." I laugh at him and squeeze his hand to let him know I'm kidding.

"Oi, Ryan was the one who wanted me to jump! It's his fault that Swags got PTSD." He defends himself.

"Yeah, but who's the one who gave him PTSD." I question back.

"I told him I was sorry. I even had to sleep in the same bed as him because he thought I was actually gonna do it again." He gets quiet and I feel bad for being it up.

"I'm sorry, how about we head home and eat all of Toby's ice cream?"

"Deal." He let's go of my hand and starts to run home. Me chasing after him.

"God, why do I love this idiot?" I say to myself as I catch up.

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