Muselk x Swags

331 5 7

Ship: Elliott and Eric
Warnings: Short
Genre: Fluff
Note: Just fluff, but Lazelk smut next, I'm gonna get it out, hopefully tonight!


"Are you ready?" I yell down the hallway. My hands finding a spot in my hoodie.

"Yeah, let's go." Elliott walks out of the bathroom and opens the front door for me. I smile at him and hold his hand.

We get into the car and drive to a 7 eleven.

"I'm fucking surprised that they have 7 elevens here. Especially 7 eleven day. Free slurpie her I come!" I jump out the car and walk in the small store. I grab the small cup and took it over to the slurpie machines.

I fill my cup with blue raspberry and cherry. Drinking half of it before filling it up again. Laughing to myself.

"Swags! What kind did ya get?" I look up to see a smiling Elliott and a camera being shoved in my face.

"Blue raspberry and cherry. Don't even talk shit about it. It's the best duo of slurpie out there." I say.

"That's a lie." He turns the camera back to him and starts talking about how coke is better. I smile and take a sip of my slurpie.

I walk over to the cashier and show them our drinks before we're in the car heading to the next store.

"Can I drive?" I ask. Giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"If you crash Marcus's car, all blame goes on you." He hands me the keys and gets in the car.

I let out a little squeal and get in, starting the car. I back up and get out on the main road. It isn't that hard to drive this way. I think to myself. I take a quick glance over my shoulder and see a car speeding down the road.

He doesn't stop but goes faster, I get scared and speed up a little. Not noticing the intersection coming up. Elliott to busy talking to his camera to notice. I try and slow down, but the car keeps going.

"Oh shi-" I say before the car behind me bumps right into me.

"What the fuck." Elliott screams. He gets out of the car, heading over the other car. I get out and follow.

He sees me get out and turns to look at me. "You have to take the blame! I told you." He points at me and starts laughing a little.

"I'm never fucking driving in this city again." I sigh and pull out my phone to call Cam.

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