Elliott x Lannan

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Pairing: Elliott and Lannan
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: I'm planning on doing a bordie and bee one shot. Maybe a Lufu and bee? What do ya think? Maybe some BBS???


"Fresh! You're not helping me, what the fuck!" I yelled as I died. I smashed my mouse against the desk and leaned back.

"Lannan, you have to do things on your own sometimes. That and I'm across the map in Happy Hamlet, while you're in Pleasant Park." He laughed.

"I don't care. You're supposed to help me. Now hurry up and die so I can leave." I stopped my recording and turned off my camera.

"Why don't you just leave now then?"

"Don't tell me what to do." As I stopped talking I ended the discord call and left the game. Shutting off my monitor and leaving my office.

As I jump on my couch the first thought I have is, If your dad gives you sex advice, he's telling you how to pleasure your mum.

I immediately get off the couch and start to shake my whole bodybody in disgust. Out of the corner of my eye I see my phone light up and Elliott's name appears.

"Did you know that when your dad gives you sex advice he's telling you how to pleasure your mum." Was the first thing I said as I answered.

"Ok where the fuck did that come from?" He laughs and I can feel him shake his head at me.

"I sat on my couch, and that was the first thing that I thought of. Any way. What the fuck did you want?"

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over? Marcus and Kath are being all lovey dovey and it's driving me insane."

"Yeah. Give me like 5 minutes to find my shoes. Actually, I don't need shoes." I hang up on him and grab my car keys, making the short drive over to the Click house.

I don't even knock, I bust through the door and make my way up the stairs and into Elliott's room.

"Wassup bitch. The Queen is here, come give me a kiss." I open my arms and run and belly flop on the bed.

"How's the big baby doing this fine evening." He says as he gets up behind me and pulls me closer.

We do this often, just chill at each other's houses and cuddle. Sometimes we do stuff productive, meaning we sit outside in the grass so Elliott doesn't look like a damn ghost anymore. Other times we sit in bed all day and watch Netflix.

We aren't officially dating but I wouldn't mind of he were to ask. We've gone on dates, and have had nights out. And you know what, we might've even had sex a few times when no one was home. But that's not the point, I love this man and nothing is gonna change that.

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