
357 11 3

Ship: Lannan and Elliott
Warnings: Short, 315 words short
Genre: Fluff
Notes: None


Elliott was rushing around the house, trying to find his shoes. Lannan was getting ready to go home, but he wanted to ask him on a date. Dinner, ice cream, whatever he wanted.

Walking up the stairs, he spotted his shoes. He rushes over to them and slips them on, running down the stairs and into the main room.

"Oh shit!" The fuck Elliott? You trying to kill me?" Lannan laughed, shutting the bathroom door.

"Sorry, but I wanted to ask you something?" Elliott put his hands at his sides and looked up at Lannan. "Do you wanna go on a date?" Elliott let out the biggest sigh and just stared at the other boy.

"Right now?" Lannan ask.

"If you want." Elliott says in response.

"Let's go!" Lannan smiled and grabbed Elliott's hand, pulling him out the door.

"Where are we going? Elliott ask, trying not to trip over his own feet.

"I have no idea. We'll find somewhere." Lannan slowed down so they could walk next to each other. His hand was still in Elliott's hand. A smile found it's way onto each of the boys face.

They were walking for a good 10 minutes before lannan spike up. "Can we do that?" Elliott looked over and saw the baby rides they have in front of some storesm. He laughed but nodded. Pulling out a few coins and handing them to Lannan.

Lannan took them and walked to the machine. Putting in the coins and sitting down. Elliott took out his phone and started to record him. Laughing as Lannan over reacted. After they were done with the ride, they started to walk back to the house.

"God we're fucking retarded." Lannan laughed as he watched the video over again.

"Yeah, but your my retard." Elliott says, wrapping his arms around him.

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