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Pairing: Bee and Bordie
Warnings: Lowkey might be sad
Genre: Sad?
Notes: Next one is Bee and Kath


Living a life without your best friend is something I never thought I would go through, but things change and not always in the best way. June 3, 2018 marks the one year anniversary of Bianca's death. It was sudden and no one expected it, not even her room mate. 

I found her in her room with an empty bottle of pills, laying on the bed like she was welcoming death. I didn't move or call anyone for a second. It took me a whole minute to react. I didn't scream, I just sat down on the ground crying my eyes out. I reached for my phone and called Matt, one of my best friends. 

"Yeah?" He asked. All I said in return was a sob which led to more tears are they fell down my face. "Whoa, hey you okay?"

"B-bianca. She killed h-herself." I stuttered out.

"Gimme like five minutes, me and Jay are on our way." He hung up the phone and i just let mine drop to the floor.  

I crawled up onto the bed and laid  on my side, facing her. She look peaceful, deathly pale but still alive somewhere. Wherever she went, I hope she is happy. I couldn't feel the tears anymore. I'm not even sure if i'm still crying. I don't feel anything, I don't hear when Matt walks in and pulls me away from her body as Jay throws a blanket over her. I don't even notice the tears that started falling again, or how my face is in Matt's chest as I cry. 

I can see her out of the corner of my eye, how her body doesn't move a muscle. I start to cry even harder as I can hear the sirens of the ambulance.

That was two years ago...

I now live in her old apartment. Everything is still the same. All her stuff is here and her ashes sitting on her desk by the monitor. It wasn't easy at the start. Everyone was sad. We all took a few months off of YouTube to be by ourselfs.

Years later and I still tear up at the sight of her stuff. We do 'family' game nights every friday. I update bees channel with old footage that she had saved, or left over footage from mine or the boys channel.

It might be sad, but everyone learns to let go of thing on their own. They need to know that just became they are gone, it gives you a chance to go through a life changing experience.

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