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"I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY we had to come back," Emery took a bite of her chocolate as she sat on the counter. "It's not like they want us here."

Klaus didn't reply instantly. He approached her and placed his hands on her knees making her clear her throat, staring at him cautiously. "I'm eating." Then he parted her legs and stepped in between. "And— we are surrounded by your hybrids."

"So?" He just leaned in and took a bite of her chocolate, "I just wanted a bite." She rolled her eyes, pushing him away which earned her a laugh from him. "Asshole."

Footsteps behind made them look to find one of Klaus's hybrid entering. "Tyler's here," he informed Klaus before nodding at Emery with a small smile which she returned. "Hey, Ryan."

"Emery," the hybrid eyed the chocolate in her hand which pushed her to ask, "want one?"

"Uh . . ." Ryan's eyes darted to Klaus, unsure whether he should agree. Klaus only raised his hands in mock surrender, "if you want—"

"Please," Ryan immediately nodded, earning a chuckle from the witch who grabbed a packet from beside her and tossed it at him. "Thank you. It's been a while since I've had one. Blood is all I've been. . ." He took a bite, "consuming. I'll get you others later."

Emery smiled at him then looked at Klaus, "isn't he the sweetest?" The original hybrid rolled his eyes, "you can leave." He spoke to his hybrid, "I'll be out in a second."

"Yep, okay," Ryan nodded, waving at the witch before he left.

"My hybrids," Klaus mused, "they like you. And it's not because they're sired to me or they feel obliged to."

"I'm a very like-able person."

"That, you are," he brushed his lips against her cheek, "it's too bad your friends don't see what I do."

"They do," Emery muttered, "they're just clouded by Elena's judgement. She used to like me and vice-versa— but that changed."

"Jealousy is a foolish thing," he brushed her hair away from her neck, "come on, Tyler's here. Let's not make him wait." At that, she jumped off the counter and the two walked out of the kitchen side by side.

"More deputies?" Emery heard Tyler ask his mother as they came in sight.

"Not exactly," Klaus was the one who replied making Tyler look at him as he took a deep breath and looked around in realisation. "They're hybrids."

"We were halfway to Chicago when we heard you were attacked," Klaus spoke, glancing at Emery, "we had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for good, but duty calls."

"It's nice to know you care."

Tyler's words earned him a scoff from the original hybrid. "I don't," he took a step closer, "I should've killed you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled. Stopping my heart, leaving me in a coffin to rot."

"You used my body as an escape hatch," Tyler stepped closer as well, his eyes flickering to the witch, "and your girlfriend almost killed my friends out of rage. Maybe we're even."

"Not even close," Klaus shook his head, clenching his jaw. "Emery showed pity upon your friends and for that, they should be thankful. But you hybrids are a dying breed. I can't make more of you, and I won't have anyone taking liberties with the ones I have left." Then he grabbed Emery's hand and used his free hand to point around, "consider them your new bodyguards."

⎯⎯ ˖

"WILL YOU BE GOING back to school now that we've returned?"

At Klaus's question, the witch shrugged, "maybe. This whole online thing has started to become boring."

He hummed, his fingers running through her long brown hair. He was sitting on a chair in the Lockwood mansion's office and Emery was on his lap, her back to against him. "There are so many things I don't know about you."

"You know all there is to know."

"I want to know more," he pressed, lowering his head and placing his lips against her neck from behind, "like what's the craziest thing you've ever done?"

"This," Emery's answer was quick as she gestured between them, "us." It earned her a laugh from him. "Ah, yes, romanticizing with the enemy. Very rebellious of you."

The witch rolled her eyes even though he couldn't see. "What about you?"

He was silent for a moment but then he said, "let this witch link her life to mine."

"What's so crazy about that?"

"We are linked, little witch," he said as if that answer was enough. But then he added, "what happens to me, happens to you, and vice-versa. That, in itself, is crazy. Had it been someone else, I would have never let them do that. Do you realise how vulnerable that makes me?" He rested his chin on her shoulder, "all my enemies need to do is get their hands on you and I'm done for. Good thing your friends cares about you too much for that— or do they not know about our little connection?"

"Damon knows and if he does, then Stefan probably does too. I don't think they've told the others, it's supposed to be a between-us thing," she turned to look at him, changing her position altogether so she was straddling him. He placed his hands on her hips and leaned back in his seat. "Nonetheless, I have to find a way to break this curse once and for all."

"And who do you have in mind?" The hybrid questioned, raising his brows, "you have so many options to choose from."

"No, I'll find another way."

"What curse?" Tyler's voice had them snap their attentions to him. He was standing in front of the door, his eyes fixed on the witch as he repeated his question, "what curse?"

"It's of your concern," Klaus brushed him off, "haven't you been taught not to eavesdrop?"

"What curse, Emery?" Tyler directed the question to the witch yet again, completely ignoring the hybrid who clenched his jaw at his action. Emery ran a hand through his hair, an attempt to calm him down as she replied to Tyler without bothering to look at him. "It's nothing important."

"Really? Because—" Tyler was interrupted when she spared him a look. "Like he said, it's none of your concern. Drop it, please."

"Okay," Tyler pursed his lips, giving her a reluctant nod, "you'd tell me if something's wrong, right?"

"Why are you here?" Klaus asked before Emery could reply. Tyler straightened himself, "I wanted to ask you if you've seen a girl around."

"While you two talk," Emery stood up, "I'll go hang around. Have fun," she bent down and placed a kiss on the hybrid's lips. He tried to kiss her back but she didn't let him. He bit down on his bottom lip, muttering, "tease," under his breath. She only smiled, "I'll see you later. Don't kill him."

"If he behaves," Klaus shot a look towards Tyler who was trying his best to pretend like he wasn't there, "I won't have to."

"Maybe you shouldn't have grounded me as if I'm some child—"

"And that's my cue," Emery mumbled to herself, knowing both of them could hear her as she quickly walked out of the office.

⎯⎯ ˖

I know I haven't been updating much lately. I've been really busy with life. Also, I've been feeling super lazy to write this, I'm not a big fan of season 4. I hate vampire Elena more than human Elena. Ik she's the main character and all but she kinda ruins the show for me💀 Anywaysss promise I'll try to update more often (my other stories too). Appreciate you <3

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