Invisible Brainy

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~{Chapter 25}~*this chapter is about when Brainy and Alex go undercover and investigate an alien that has caused chaos secretly undetected without a trace. When they found out why? Brainy got hit by an invisible ray gun And he became invisible Alex calls Nia and tells her about it! And told the team as well. While Lena working on a cure to turn
Him visible again! I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*At the Tower*
Nia rushed over to the Tower right away when Alex told her about what happened
and wanted to be sure If it were true. Brainy I'm here! Where are you?" She asked dearly while
looking around the room For him. As she heard Brainy's voice in the distance. "I'm over here! Nia." He shouted out to her.
"Over Where? Exactly..." she paused. "No, wait! Over there?" Nia said while pointing in the direction of
Where she thinks her Invisible boyfriend is... as Brainy grabbed her hand. As it looked like Nia's hand was
Floating in midair. She gasped when she felt him. "Nia, it's me. Do you feel my touch?" brainy said Lovely.
"Yes, I feel you. Brainy." Nia said softly. Brainy, how'd this happen to you?!?" Nia blurted out the question.
As Kara, John, and Lena were wondering the same thing. He sighed. "It's a long story. Nia Nal," Brainy answered.
Nia shook her head and sighed. "Well, we got the whole day. So just tell me," she said.

Brainy explained to Nia what happened and how it happened to him...
Which was kinda hard to listen to him. Not knowing if he were in front of her or not.
Like talking to an invisible person or a ghost👻. "And how long are you going to be like this..." She paused.
You know invisible?" Nia asked nervously. Well for once Brainy didn't have an answer to that😅. "Actually. Nia, I'm working on that.
I was thinking of reversing the invisible ray gun." Lena said as she held the invisible ray gun in her hand that Alex was able to get from the bad guy's hideout. And so, Lena started working on doing just that. It will take 2 hours...

When they got the location of the alien who turned Brainy invisible...
They were relieved by that. So, Kara, John, Alex, and Nia suited up.
And of course, Brainy wanted to join them in on the fight.
But Nia refused him to do so... "I may be Invisible... Nia. But I can still fight!
He won't even see me coming." Brainy said confidently still being able to fight
Even though he's invisible. Nia sighed and nodded. "Fine," she said.

As they all headed out together, as a team and made it to the bad guy's base
immediately, captured him by surprise... thanks to Brainy being invisible!
And took him into the custody at the DEO.

*2 hours later*
Lena successfully reversed the Invisible Ray Gun! As she turned it on and
Pointed it at Brainy. "Ready? Brainy," she asked. "Yes, Lena. I am. Do it! Make
Me visible again!" He shouted excitedly. "On it! Stand by." She said doing just that.
As the weapon started whirling and beeping and shot out a white beam of light at Brainy
That made him appear before their very eyes. Dreamer immediately ran into his arms and
was happy to see him again! Brainy hugged her back Lovely glad to be seen by her and his superfamily...
As he looked at lena and thanked her for making him visible again. She replied. "You're welcome, what are
Friends for!" Lena said softly feeling grateful and glad she was able to help her friend!

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