Evil Brainy

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~{Chapter 34}~*this chapter is about when Brainy gets framed by another one of his doublegangers that has evil and bad intentions, making him look like "the bad guy". and his friends think that Brainy has gone back to his dark past again. So Alex and Kara locked him up. But Nia has a dream🌀flashshowing her the truth behind what really happened and she believes him. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

It's just an ordinary day in National City. or is it😅?
Brainy was with Nia and the others in the park just enjoying the day. Since there haven't been any
threats to Earth🌎or to National City🏙in months lately...

But what they didn't know is that... there was someone lurking in the shadows👁‍🗨dressed futuristically from the 90s. While taking off his cloak to Reveal to look like Brainy. But another one of his doppelgängers😅. But evil😈. As he plans on taking over Prime Brainy's life and framing him in turning his friends against him!

While Seeing Prime Brainy having a good time with his friends and being a good person.
Which just made him mad😡in seeing the goodness and no evil... So, he plans on knocking him out by surprise!
To make him look like the bad guy permanently.

*3 weeks later*
Brainy's double from Earth-33 followed Brainy Prime around to learn what he does every day, his personality traits, and his relationships with his team and Nia Nal. So that he could frame him to ruin his life! Forever... Without no one suspecting a thing. As he sees an opportunity to strike to set his plan in motion. Seeing his prime double leave Nia's apartment in going to work at the DEO when he immediately grabbed him by surprise just as he intended to do so... "Hey, wait! You're me!" prime Brainy said. While pointing out that this stranger looks just like him. But entirely different😅. When he comes to realization of this stranger being one of his doppelganger and spoke out... "Wait a second. You're one of my doppelganger!" Brainy said as his eyes widened in shock. "That's right. Now it's lights out for you," His double evil self said loudly As he punched him knocking our brainy out cold. As he looked down at Prime Brainy and said harshly... "Sorry, Prime Brainy. But this was necessary. You'll thank me later." he said with a wicked smile and cackled lightly. As he put on some of Prime Brainy's clothes that he stole from his apartment just last night... then he went over to see Nia Nal to hurt her and his friends.

*The next day*
Brainy woke up in his apartment in bed, not remembering how he got there 😅. when he remembered that he was knocked out by one of his doubles and suspected that this doppelganger is an evil one. Again! So he quickly rushed over to the DEO running some facial recognition on the monitor about himself in finding his evil double from doing any damage to his life! But it was already too late😔. As he found a video on NC News from yesterday which he doesn't remember doing at all! once he played it and saw himself causing chaos💥and attacked Dreamer and his friends. his eyes widened in shock that his double framed him for doing terrible things to his girlfriend and to his superfamily. that's when he heard the sound of Guns being loaded and sensed them being aimed at him. And he was right! being a 12th-level-intellect and all😅... he turned around to see his fellow agents threatening to shoot him. As he saw Alex looking at him like he was some criminal. "Alex. What are you doing?!?" brainy questioned out loud in fear of why she was doing this. "You know exactly what I'm doing! Brainy. Agents arrest him now!!" Alex shouted as she ordered her team to arrest Brainy immediately for going rogue. As 2 of the agents lowered their guns and grabbed Brainy by force while placing Power dampening cuffs on his hands. "Hey, wait. There has to be something kind of mistake! I'm innocent. I tell you. It wasn't me. I was FRAMED!!!" Brainy shouted out in tears💦as they escorted him out of the room and into a cell. Alex contacted the others about Brainy being in a cell locked up tight. As they all quickly came over to check on him... Including, Nia.

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