Evil Nia

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~{Chapter 56}~*This chapter is about when Nia's evil doppelganger takes her place to trick her friends into thinking💭 it's really her... but it's not. Brainy figured out that it wasn't his Nia Nal he knew and loved❤️. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

After the Crisis💥🌎, of the destruction of the multiverse🌌when the doppelgangers came to Earth Prime through wormholes... especially the Brainys. Most importantly, Nia's evil doppelganger from Earth-2 so she has been here this whole time since then waiting for the perfect chance to get revenge on the Superfriends for destroying her world🌍. Evil Nia has been monitoring Prime Nia's life, her personality traits, how she feels/acts as Dreamer🌀, her job at Catco, and her relationships with her Brainy and, her friends so they won't suspect a thing. Today her revenge plan is about to be set into motion when she sees Nia leaving work as she is walking down the street downtown to her apartment suddenly, she is ambushed by her evil doppelganger then grabs her pulling Prime Nia into a dark alleyway so no one would see what was about to happen here! and covered her mouth from saying another word💬. She tried to break free but just couldn't. "You probably figured it out by now... but I'm your evil doppelganger from Earth🌍-2. Well, was... But you're in my way of getting revenge.
So, Nighty-night! my look-alike." Evil Nia said softly holding Prime Nia down against her will. Then, knocked her out cold almost breaking her neck as she dropped her on the ground.

"Sweet Dreams✨," Evil Nia said softly looking at Prime Nia passed out as she grabbed a syringe💉out of her pocket and then injected the needle into her good double's skin stealing some dream🌀energy✨from her body. Then, injected it into her arm feeling the dream powers coursing through her body inside her veins. "Wow! so this is what dream energy feels like," Evil Nia said excitedly since she'd never had the powers because being "The Dreamer" means *pure✨of heart💛* and that wasn't her... but she did have powers that were fueled by
Anger😡and Rage💢converted into Flames🔥of ashes of darkness👁‍🗨. those who feared her called her "Scarlet Phoenix" Also, on *Earth-2* in National🏙City was overrun with supervillains who called themselves "Super V Friends" meaning Evil Kara who uses her powers to cause fear/destruction/chaos, as Lena uses Black🖤Magic✨dangerously, John who mind controls people against their will, and evil Brainy who uses his intelligence for bad intentions also, he loves❤️Evil Nia and she loved him too with all of her heart! But when he died along with her world🌍being destroyed by the anti-matter wave from "Crisis" a part of her died too. So when arrived on Earth-Prime🌎she vowed to get vengeance on those who were responsible for destroying the Multiverse🌌and killing the love❤️of her life! But stealing dream energy from her doppelganger will do just fine so Prime Nia's friends won't suspect a thing in order for her plan to be foolproof to succeed! And besides she'd done her research📚📖on Dream🌀Interruption and learned how to harness into its physical form. But the only problem was that Prime Nia wasn't good at Predicting what her dreams were about or lucid 🌙dreaming✨and still had a lot to learn as "The Dreamer". So this was a bump in Evil Nia's master plan and had to not make any mistakes for anyone to find out who she really was😅...

After that, she took Prime Nia to a secret location📍one that no one would find🔎her💙... meaning in an *Abanded warehouse* outside the City🏙then she went to her doppelganger's apartment to be "Nia Nal aka Dreamer" on Prime Earth🌎.

*The next day*
Nia regained consciousness to find herself on the floor of an old building that she didn't quite recognize and then felt weak feeling like pins and needles in her throat and couldn't at all either. "Where am I? What is this place? And where did my doppelganger go?! I have a feeling that she's going to ruin my life. Literally! Also, why does it hurt so much to breathe? it's like the air is toxic or something..." Nia thought💭to herself while asking multiple questions all at once in fear of the unknown. She began to cough violently as blood came out when she did😥.
Which scared the hell out of her! "Please, someone help M-me..." Nia said breathlessly not able to save herself this time and needed her Friend's help immediately. But they couldn't because none of them didn't know that she was missing... then, she passed out again and mumbled something. "Brainy," she said softly having a dream🌀flash✨about him💚and saw that he was with her evil doppelganger walking together heading to *the NC movie theater* to watch the "Star Wars Live-action Movie" for their date❤️! And this was the one date that they'd been planning📆and talking about for months now... since they always had to save the day🏙/the world🌎as Heroes with their friends... so that's why they haven't been looking for her or noticed that she was gone. In her mind, Nia wanted to help Brainy and warn him and to be there with him and NOT her evil double! But sadly😔there was nothing that she could do right now... and all she could do was just watch from her dreams✨inside the dream🌀world🌐. It was torture/hard for her to watch this feeling like she wanted to cry😭her heart💙out but hoped that Brainy would see the truth somehow.

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