No more secrets!

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~{Chapter 69}~*This chapter is during "season 5" when Dreamer🌀had enough of Brainy for all of the secrets and lies! Then she finds out he's been working with Lex Luthor and confronts him to know why... so, Brainy💚ends up telling her everything because of how much he truly loves Nia Nal💙. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*At Nia's Apartment*
*8:00 p.m.*
Nia asked Brainy to come to her place to talk about their relationship But she really just wanted to yell at him for all of the secrets and lies, to be honest, 😅...
"Brainy, I know you're working with Lex so the question is why... you better tell me the truth. Cause, NO MORE SECRETS!!!" Nia shouted out loud expressing her emotions of how she felt that he lied to her for secretly working with Lex Luthor behind her back without any explanation. Brainy saw the angry expression on her face and wanted to tell Nia Nal why he was doing it cause he had a pretty good reason. But sadly, couldn't...  "Nia, please, calm down. I'm sensing that you're angry. I can explain but I can't," Brainy said softly stating the obvious but he cannot tell her anything about his partnership with Lex cause it's classified. Also, it's for her own good and protection! "Yeah, I am. And don't you give me that only Logic crap! She yelled angrily crossing her arms furious and just couldn't take it anymore from him with all the secrets. Brainy looked at her sadly and said💬. "Look, I want to tell you everything. Nia, Believe I do! But I'm afraid I can't...
Besides, I have to get back to him otherwise he'll suspend that something's up. So, you have to let me go," Brainy said softly asking her to forget about him cause he couldn't risk the woman he'd loved❤️getting hurt if Lex found🔎out.

Nia sighed annoyed walking towards her door🚪 holding it open for him to leave and said. "If you're gonna leave, then leave. I'm not gonna watch you!" Nia said harshly glaring at him to get out of her apartment and never wanted to see Brainy ever again while also giving him one last chance to prove himself to be honest. But before Brainy could leave... He chose to stay and immediately grabbed her hand pulling Nia into an unexpected Kiss as she kissed him back passionately missing this so much.

Then, he broke the kiss shortly to say💬. "I love you, Nia Nal, no matter what happens... I will always love you," Brainy said lovely. Because going back to Lex and working for him was the worst hating every minute of it! So, Brainy wanted to show Nia how much she meant to him, and every single word he said was from the heart💚. At that moment, she knew he was telling the truth for once and truly meant it😊. "If that's true, then why did you break up with me? Cause you really hurt me... making me doubt myself that it was my fault that you didn't love me anymore," Nia asked softly out of curiosity if Brainy loved then why break her heart and be so cold and distant?... and doubted herself if she was to blame for their breakup.

Brainy sighed sadly. "I'm so sorry, I made you feel that way... Nia, I've never meant to hurt you. It was the only way to protect you from getting caught in the crossfire if Lex found out... I don't know if I could forgive myself if something happened to you!" Brainy explained loudly in tears. Nia saw him in pain struggling with his emotions now since his inhibitors are off... all the time he'd been holding it in and was feeling a lot of feelings right now. She placed her hand on his cheek gently wiped his tears💦away and said sweetly in an understanding voice. "Hey, Brainy. It's okay, I forgive you, and I know you were all doing this to protect me, our friends, and the world. Like you always do, it's who you are. But listen to I am not a woman who needs to be protected... I'm a Dreamer🌀, and I can take care of myself." Nia replied softly forgiving him for his actions and understood why he did it. But she also told him that he doesn't need to constantly protect her from danger because she is perfectly capable of protecting herself and she appreciates his concern.

"You're right, Nia. I just that I love you so much and you're an amazing, woman who stops tidal waves and dreams of the impossible," Brainy said softly admitting that While admiring Nia Nal aka Dreamer with all of his heart💚. Nia just loved it when he gave such a sweet, nice, cheesy compliment about how much he'd truly loved her. Then, they hugged and were back together again!

*Short chapter, sorry😅. I hope you liked it though... until my next chapter. Bye, for now!
Oh, and happy new year! #2024*

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