40- It's you✔

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The line for boarding the plane was long, but at least it was not noisy since there were no traveling families, which meant no kids making a ruckus. Flights at this hour are mainly work related, the usual passengers tend to be very tired employees.

Link was keeping a firm hold on Zelda's hand, anyone who happened to notice them would say that they looked like normal siblings traveling together. But in reality, Link was almost dragging the fearful Princess.

Zelda was trying to portray herself as a serene and composed young lady, but deep down, she wanted to hiss at Link and bite him like a scared kitten. She could not stop him from dragging her, but she could definitely make it a VERY DIFFICULT TASK, so she did just that. Every step she took she was almost digging her feet and legs on the floor, making it hard for Link to pull her. But he still managed to drag her without making it look like a kidnaping was taking place.


PLEASE, it can't be safe to ride a machine that promises to fly, yet has no functional wings. I know now that this world is the impossible machine world, but come on, the car made sense, it had 4 circular parts that rolled around to move it. But THIS, this is impossible... if I board it, I am going to die.

"Please don't make me do this, I am afraid of heights, I don't feel safe boarding a machine that claims to be able to fly" Zelda begs him in a low volume, she does not want strangers judging her for this.

"That would mean something if I actually cared" Link declares intending to harm her, but sighs realizing his mistake and immediately tries to correct it "All I know is that I need to be somewhere in Huston. The question is NOT if the plane can fly or not, the question is: are you coming with me?" Link says looking at her sternly and extending a hand at her.

Zelda does not answer, she closes her eyes and nods taking his hand. Link guides her the rest of the way until they board, since the Princess refused to open her eyes out of fear. Once inside, he guides her to their seats and places the backpacks on the hand luggage compartment.

As Link takes his own seat, he notices Zelda praying to the goddesses, he sighs and takes hold of her hand, then an announcement is heard from the pilot's cabin, he is telling the passengers they are about to depart. Zelda immediately bites her lower lip and squeezes her hold on Link's hand.

Link chuckles at that "As I said before, this is not the first time I use a plane, I assure you it's a safe way to travel" he whispers to his Princess.

"Accidents can happen you know?" Zelda manages to say between her chattering teeth.

"Indeed, but accidents can happen on a bus too, or any other method of transportation... just rejoice in the fact that if you die, you take me with you" Link jokes.

"NOT HELPING AT ALL LINK!!!" Zelda yells at him in anger.

He pants "Really? I thought I was doing a great job, given that you have not even noticed we are airborne"

"You are lying..." Zelda opens her eyes, she notices everyone is calmly seated and that there is a window right next to her, she looks out and sees that they ARE flying, she also discovers that she is not scared at all, but rather fascinated by the sight.

How? I thought it had to flap its wings like the birds do, but the wings of this particular machine are fixed in place... so of course I thought it could NOT fly, but IT IS FLYING. I am not going to ask about it, I know I will not understand, the important thing is that I know this is a possibility in this world.

Thinking about it, I kind of understand why people here are so unstable, this world is FULL of possibilities. That goes hand in hand with a lack of limits, and you need limitations and restrictions for social and mental stability. And no stability means lots of bad apples running rampant for SWORD to take care of.

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