23- Wolfos✔

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Damn, its morning already, last night was NOT a good night. Yes... I got to eat more, and yes it tasted good with the chanterelles, and of course the bed made a HUGE difference, but the wolves never shut up, my concern is that I am sure those were not maraudo wolves, this beast's howls sounded very different. Wolfos are supposed to be extinct already, but it sure sounded like that particular monster. Being fair, it may also be my mind playing tricks. But what if I am not wrong?
Zelda did fall asleep rather quickly. We should start moving now that the sun is out.

He sits up groaning, Zelda immediately sits up as well and looks at him smiling.

"You are awake" Link tells her

"Have been for a while, I was waiting for you and being lazy... are we still very far from the road?" she asks suspecting they should not be that far now.

Link gives her a side smile "No, we get there today in an hour or two of walk"

"REALLY! we could have arrived yesterday then... why didn't we?" Zelda asks questioning his decision to camp in the cottage instead of pushing forward.

"You told me to take care of myself, I don't want to exhaust my body walking, I need my energy reserves to hunt and to respond if the situation demands it"

Zelda sheepishly smiles.

"I did ask that of you, and it still holds. Thanks for fulfilling my request... Let's start walking, the sooner we are rescued the better."

Link grabs the purple sweater and puts it on giving his jacket to Zelda, she sighs and puts it on.

"I will ask you one more question missy, when the castle was attacked you went back to retrieve a plushie, why?" Link asks her with genuine interest.

"it's an important memento... my dad gave it to me before he left, I am not going to explain any further... I am sure you already KNOW Daphnes is not my father, and that is all you need to know"

That much I had gathered already. I still don't understand why she continues to be loyal to her progenitor. A man that basically ABANDONED her and her mother... yet she still holds a place in her heart for him, she even refuses to accept Daphnes because she holds dear to the memory of her absent procreator.

"I understand... we are leaving now, are you ready sweetheart?" Link says wiggling his eyebrows.

Link bows at the Princess jokingly and offers his hand to help her out of the bed, he was trying to restore the happy mood she had in before he upset her with his question.

"Yes darling" Zelda answers, following him on the joke and taking his hand, her eyes showing she was having fun.

Link half smiles and pulls her out of the bed, turns to open the door, he takes one step out and his demeanor shifts to survival mode, he does a quick turn and pushes Zelda inside closing the cottage door.


Zelda falls back on her butt, her eyes go wide in fear and confusion, she stands up and tries to open the door, but Link had already placed the latch. The Princess was locked inside.

WHY? I thought we were friendly now, I thought I earned a little of respect, now he decides to cage me here and abandon me? why is he betraying me? ["But... you will come back for me, right?" "Why wouldn't I?"]
NO!!! I don't believe it, he would not leave me here, he must have seen something outside.

Zelda hears howling and claws scratching furiously at the door, then something big crashing against the wall, followed by Link's yell.

They are attacking him; he is got no weapon... AND I HAVE HIS FUCKING JACKET.

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