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Looking around nervously Chacha steps forward and stands in front of Link "would you hand over the pile of clothes? Staff people are looking at me like I am forcing the prince to do MY job" Chacha whispered.

Link winks "YOU!!!, forcing me to do anything? HAHAHAHA, don't kid yourself servant, I am the Prince now, I do whatever the fuck I want in this castle, and right now I feel like letting the King catch us, just to see what he does to you, STUPID GIRL" Link states loudly, but still avoiding to fully scream.

Chacha is just staring at him right in the eyes, pressing her lips hard to prevent an explosion of laughter. Everyone who happened to be around them cowered away.

"Tha... that was too much don't you think?" she tells him

"But it was believable, wasn't it? They won't be talking about you now" he reassumes his walk

"But they will be talking about YOU, and very poorly" she tells him sadly, shame in her eyes.

"For all I care, it's YOU are the one that has to work with them, I just have to mind my manners and public image around the nobles, right?" Link asks... but not really asking, it was more of a statement that sounded like a question... to be polite.

Chacha sights and giggles a little... then a lady comes running right at them.

"NAUGHTY GIRL!!! Why are you making the prince hold that? Excuse her your highness, she is new here" the lady inches closer to Links ear and whispers "she is kind of dump if I am being honest, totally my fault, I dropped her when she was a baby, she doesn't coordinate properly and makes poor decisions ever since"

"IVANNA!!! STOP!" Chacha yells, then she hits her own head with her palm in distress. Ivanna stares at her in confusion, then at Link who is staring right back at her smiling

Faking a Spanish accent "do not worry mi señorita, the little wild flower here was just following my orders, somewhat deviant orders I must admit, but what can you expect if I am not right in the head myself? my mother tried to drown me when I was a child. You know how much that affects you at a young age... jetzt höre Ich Stimmen" (now I hear voices)

"Both of you, STOP" Chacha yells at both of them, then turns to Link "and what was that you where sa..." she stops her question to Link and shakes her head "you have made it clear that you know Ivanna was lying, so stop mocking her, she just did it because she thought I was going to get in trouble... explain to her what happened."

"You are ordering me now?" Link says raising an eyebrow

Chacha crosses her arms and glares at him, Link takes a deep breath.

"We meet long ago in hell, I was there because that is the right place for me, she got there because she has been bad obviously, I got exasperated at her because of her inability to follow simple orders, and she got angry at me for making her say something she did not wanted to say. After exploring my body with a metric tape, she found that her hatred towards me no longer existed. Me, being the lord of hell, could not allow the lack of hatred, so I kidnapped the pile of clothes, she has been trying to rescue it unsuccessfully and here we are" Link puts an arm over Chacha's shoulders and smiles at Ivanna, Chacha glares at Link frustrated and then flashes her Colgate smile at Ivanna too.

"You know... you should really stop doing that" Link tells Chacha

"Doing what?"

"Using that fake smile, looks pretty but doesn't feel right"

"Don't scold me, you just lied to her about me exploring your body" Chacha says pointing at him accusingly

"Did I? you were measuring me, that is an exploration in itself, by the way... you DO remember the measurements right? I never saw you taking notes" Link says

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