42-I am going to obliterate them

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Link blatantly entered the school kitchen. The ladies that served the food looked at him with contempt. The main cook smiled at him as she took the bread tray from his hands, she whispered a thank you and gave him a brownie. Link takes it kissing her hand and making her laugh in the process.


*That kiss was taking it a little too far, don't you think?
Not at all, life has shown me the importance of befriending the proletariat, they function like an ant colony, meaning they are trust worthy and capable of incredible feats of strength if ever needed. One very important bonus of this friendship is: that you now have eyes and ears EVERYWHERE.

Link quickly scans the cafeteria looking for Lee, he soon sees him waving. Link sighs and heads there. Lee notices that his blonde duplicate is not carrying a food tray, he points at Link's hands frowning.

"I am not hungry" Link answers as he proceeds to take a seat in front of him.

Lee raises both his shoulders quickly as if saying ¨if you don't care, I don't care either¨ and continues to eat, Link closes his eyes and decides that he can't keep stalling over this, he needs to tell him everything NOW.

"The information I am about to disclose demands absolute secrecy, you are not to talk to ANYONE about what will be discussed here, not even to your family, am I clear on that?"

Lee stops eating and looks straight at Link "I am listening" he then continues to eat without a care "don't worry about the secrecy part, I don't really have friends and my family is probably death"

His parents may be death? I... will get back to that later.

"Listen, regardless of my age, I belong to an organization that imparts judgement on people, this line of work often places me on danger's path. It's vital to keep track of people that could be potential donors, that is the reason why I am here talking to you, according to Zhongshan Hospital archives, you were admitted there 4 years ago, your health records strongly suggest that you could enter the donor program of the organization as my donor"

Rolling his eyes "Right... do you enjoy pranking people like this?" asks Lee suspicious about why Link knew about a Hospital in Shanghai.

"You don't believe me, I understand, I will prove it" Link takes out his cellphone and opens an app "dial your cellphone number and click send" Link states handing over his cellphone to Lee.

Lee looks at the cellphone, an unknown app is open and running, he looks at Link with distrust, how can he trust him? They don't know each other for that long, besides... its completely unsafe to share personal info like this, you become a target for scammers.

Link tries to reassure him by mouthing ¨just trust me¨ Lee sighs and nods, after dialing his number, he clicks send. In less than a minute his cellphone rings, but it does not display the number calling. He looks at Link in shock and answers, he quickly ends the call, a few seconds later his cell rings again notifying that he received a new message.

"What did I just agree to?" asks Lee exasperated "the lady that called just welcomed me to a program and hung on me, I don't even know what this so-called program involves"

"You agreed to a medic coming to visit you later today, he or she is to take a sample of your blood to verify if we are a match, if we are you will gain access to the benefits of the program, such benefits are listed on the text they just send to your cellphone" Link answers calmly

"You TRICKED ME, you got me enrolled on a doubtful program that conveniently demands secrecy, why did I trust you? You could be selling me to a mafia for all I know, how could I be so darn stupid"

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