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I am sure this is where Nana said she would be, but I don't see her or anybody for that matter, why is she not here? Am I the one who just got stood-up?

"OH! there you are my Prince, I thought you were bluffing about coming for breakfast" Nana said as she approached Link wiping her hands on her apron "but my instinct told me I should definitely expect your arrival. There are tacos for us, follow me." She said entering her kitchen.

No food was visibly served, but still the kitchen smelled A LOT. Resting on the table was yesterday's newspaper, in the front page it read with big black letters CANON LAW: ANGEL PERIOD. Link quickly glanced at it and dismissed it.

I wonder if there are people who still follow that law, naming babies/pets/business after the canonic period sounds... I mean, if its flower period naming a boy after a flower may even be considered cruelty if you ask me.

"I usually keep my word Nana, and I said I was coming... Tacos sounds way too safe, what am I really eating?" he asks a little suspicious

"It's brain tacos and a few tongue ones, all beef innards" she says as she passes him a plate and grabs one for herself, then positions a basket between them on the gable, the idea was for them to grab the tacos out of the basket and place them on their plate to eat.

Link raises his eyebrows and produces a half smile; he then reaches inside the basket for a few tacos

This might as well be the end of me... reason of demise: indigestion

"How do I know which one is which?" Link asks

"You don't, isn't that fun?" Nana answers with an evil grin

Nana reaches behind her for a bucket and places it next to Link

Link notices "You are expecting me to throw up I guess" he states

"I hope you don't, but I am no newbie, people have emptied their intestines in this kitchen before... so I learned to better be prepared" she says as she sits and bites on one of her tacos.

He squints his eyes at her taking the comment as a dare, he bites into one of his tacos maintaining eye contact with Nana.

Just so you know, I am NOT scared, I have eaten liver, kidney and intestines, brain and tongue just happen to be new to me and I don't know if it was properly cooked or... WTF, this is amazing, I need water though.

He lifted his eyebrows in amazement, stood to reach for the water jug, filled his cup and also reached for Nana's cup, he looked at her raising an eyebrow, she smiled at him trying to suppress the pride she felt.

"Yes, do fill my cup please and thank you... I assume you are pleased with my food" Nana states

"I am satisfied with the brain tacos; I still need to try the tongue ones... what else can I expect to eat in your kitchen?" Link asks suddenly very interested and kind of excited at the prospect.

"Liver obviously, eyes, kidney, gizzard, heart, I want to try intestine and testicles... I have to ask you something" Link raises his head to look at her and signals with his hand for her proceed with her question

"Why did you asked for Chacha to be your maid?" asks Nana, Link stops chewing and clears his throat

"Because she is an asset, she has a set of skills that I value, and knows how to swim in the pool I blindly jumped in. I trust her judgement" Link looks at Nana who is nervously wringing a napkin "My intent is not sexual if that is what worries you, if I force her to something it would be to answer my questions and to be brutally honest, your daughter is safe with me. Can't say the same about myself though" he says with a half-smile and reaches for more tacos from the basket.

We all are animals anywayUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum