24- Alive✔

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Zelda saw the carriage stopping, and people starting to descend from it, people with odd clothes, surely SWORD agents, she turned to ask Link if he knew them, but she found herself standing alone. A sense of dread mixed with panic drains the color from her face, after waiting for a few seconds she starts running back to look for Link. A man starts calling her by her name and title, telling her to stop running, assuring her there is nothing to be afraid of, that she is safe now.

NO, I AM NOT SAFE! Not without him, besides I don't even know any of you. How STUPID of me to just run off for the carriage like that, I hope he just fell down trying to catch up to me... yes, surely that is why he is delayed.

She finds Link's body lying face down on the snow, in a pool of his own blood. She drops on her knees and starts wailing pulling at her hair, then she crawls to reach him.

HE IS OK, he must be, I mean he was just fine a while ago, walking with me and joking at times, he said his wound had not opened, why did he lie to me? He SUPPOSEDLY hates lies.

She pulls up the pelt to check how bad the wound was bleeding, only to find it was NOT. Then the man that was previously calling out to her reaches them, his eyes open wide at the sight, he starts shouting loudly to somebody behind him and rushes to Link's body. He touches Link's neck and turns the body face up, then starts to uncover it from the pelt, revealing deep claw slices across his chest and abdomen.

What? When? He never told me or complained.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" The man asks her, then he yells loudly at somebody claiming CPR needs to be started ASAP.

"We were... HE was attacked by wolfos in the morning, I asked him if he was ok and he told me he was" Zelda says trying to justify her lack of knowledge of Link's state.

"DID HE NOW?" the man practically barked at her.

I did ask, and he didn't tell me he was injured ... WAIT.

"You are right, he didn't, I asked for his bullet wound, and he answered only for that wound, he said it was fine, it had not reopened, I thought it meant HE was all right, but he was only informing me of THAT wound." Zelda answers angry at Link, but deep down, she hated herself.

"Yeah... that is more like the KID I know; he is got a way with words" answers the man as he continues tightening the blood-stained bandages Link was using, as if preparing him for something.

"BUT HOW COUD THIS HAPPEN? He told me he ordered clothes that acted as simple vest" the man says and then looks at Zelda and closes his eyes sighting.

He fucking gave ME his jacket, he would not be like this if he had had it on, he promised he would take care of himself, how does he want me to trust him when he can't even keep a simple promise. [I promise that as long as I still breathe, I will take any and every precaution necessary to ensure your survival]

MY survival... [he is got a way with words]. He didn't promise me ANYTHING, he basically told me he was willing to carry out my demand as long as it didn't interfere with his task, all of this is my fault, I should have paid attention... WAIT NO, it can't be my fault, he was actively trying to deceive me so he could do things his way, he CHOOSE this, he choose ME for some fucked up reason, like I am worth anything to anyone.

A female arrives and quickly starts inserting needles on Link's forearms, one connecting to a clear liquid bag and the other connecting to a red one.

"Is that blood?" I hope it is... he needs it, he lost a lot of it.

She gives a nod to the man and he starts chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth. That continues for a while, they both kept checking his pulse but eventually both of them decide is time to let him go. Zelda's eyes open wide when she realizes what this meant for Link and for her. She then starts to grimace in anger, an anger capable of melting the sow around them.

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