34- Sharing is caring✔

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The sound of a heavy roar of laughter is heard inside the castle, it started joyous but it ended sounding malevolent. The origin of it was King Daphnes, Nana kept cooking trying to distract herself from what was happening, she was silently praying for her son.

"What do you say then? Do you accept the challenge?" the King asks Pepe, whose face is drained from all of its color.

"Of course he does, he will put all your stablehands to shame" Link answers confidently.

The King stares with disapproval at Link "Don't answer for him" He returns his attention to Pepe.

José felt like he was about to piss on his pants, he definitely could not muster the courage to answer verbally, but also felt he was in no position to back down now... he nodded at the King and extended his hand for a shake.


Well look at that, Pepe managed to look like a secure and confident man right now... but I know he is shitting his pants hahahahaha. He can act, I will give him that.

The King shakes Pepe's hand firmly and proceeds to finish his meal.

"You used wine to cook this didn't you?" Daphnes asks Ivanna.

"I was told beef heart tastes good with it my lord" Nana answers hiding her hands, since they were shaking still.

"IT DOES, or at least I liked it, I will be back next week, don't forget to inform Zelda that I am following her feeding schedule" The King stands, rolls his shoulders and sights as he marches out heading to the throne room.

"Well, that went better than expected" Link exclaims happily.

"I will kill you" Pepe tells Link menacingly.

"Why? I landed you a GOOD job" Link retorts.

Pepe opens his eyes wide in anger "YOU FUCKING GOT ME ON A BET WITH MY KING"

Link chuckles "Amazing right?"

Pepe stomps his way to Link in anger.

"Wait, wait, hold your horses... haha, I completely intended that pun because I am hilarious, but hear me out first. He named you Stable Master, are you prepared for that? Of course not, nobody here was prepared for their own job, there is no special course for anything, you have to learn on the go by reading, observation and firsthand experience"

"He gave me A DAY to learn as part of his challenge" Pepe says with exasperation

"SO WHAT? Is more than enough time for YOU. I was not lying when I told my King that YOU are smart, he is just testing your steel so don't let him scare you, Daphnes is the one who should be scared. Just get hold of the notes the previous SM left behind and study them, observe how the grooms handle the horses and practice it yourself. And you will be good to start tomorrow"

Nana was paying attention to everything that was said, she smiled proudly at her son, knowing that everything Link said was true. Jose was TOO SMART for his own good most times, he could pull this off no sweat.

"That actually sounds easy, my King heard what Link said about you being trustworthy and is willing to try you out, I say you should give it a go" Nana encourages her son

"Sounds easy right? but in reality, ITS NOT. That's why my King has not been able to find a replacement for the previous SM, but your son here can put to sleep the harpy inside of YOU when it awakens" Link winks at Nana then turns to Jose "or instigate people to violence if he so pleases" Link says holding Pepe's stare, making the teenager look away "if he can do that with people, he will do GREAT with the horses" Link finishes his statement smiling at Nana.

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