56- Crisis at the Barley orchard

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Robert slowly opened his eyes, woken up by Zelda moving around under his arm. Looking down on her he saw her blond hair styled in a French braid.

When did Zid taught her to braid her hair like that? if I remember correctly, she didn't know how to style hair this way, and wanted Zid to teach her how...

Upon closer examination his eyes open wide in fear, he notices a fucking tail. Robert yelps and sits up immediately, Zid yawns as he slowly awakes, and turns realizing his sister is nowhere to be found, then notices Lee's exalted demeanor and remembers he WAS being hugged, Zid sits up and turns his head to the side in shame... the only possible explanation being that Robert was the one who had been hugging him. Zid's head starts spiraling in panic, but then Lee clears his throat.

"What happens in Australia" Robert says extending his palm for Zid for a shake.

Zid sighs chuckling "Fucking stays in Australia" Zid exclaims as he shakes Lee's hand

Clapping is heard and both brothers turn to the source. Link is slowly clapping at them, he glares at both of them smiling and stops clapping, he then places his left arm on his raised knee, and his right hand on Zelda's head as she lays on the floor hugging his right leg.

"Glad you solved everything like adults"

He fucking saw and heard EVERYTHING... how come I didn't notice him when he woke up? Oh... right, he said he was not going to sleep, I thought he was joking. Who the fuck does that? I don't think this was part of SWORD's training. So, what happened to him? what kind of situation forces a child to remain vigil all night?
Wait... why is Zelda sleeping with him? she caused this perplexing situation in the first place. I am going to wake her up, she needs to answer to ME.

Lee squints his eyes and slowly crawls towards his sister. Once he got close to her feet, he started tickling them. Zelda gave a hard kick witch Lee masterfully avoided as she sat up scared checking if she had an animal crawling up her feet. She then stares at Lee with fury.

"Why would you disturb my peace of mind like that?" Zelda asks clearly angry

"I don't know... maybe because you disturbed mine" Lee answers bluntly

"WHAT? How could I? I was sleeping"

"You were supposed to be sleeping between Zid and me, not on Link's leg?" Lee yells demanding

"Ow... that, I am sorry, I had to piss. When I came back, there was no space for me between you both anymore." Zelda says with a sheepish smile.

All right, that sounds plausible.

Link gives the princess a side glance full of disdain, it was a very brief moment, but Robert noticed.

What the fuck was that? did he just... she IS LYING. That must be the reason
expect a medic from SWORD to visit you any moment now, I swear I am not lying about ANY of this... I hate lies and liars]
That is what he told me when he left my house back in Huston. And I believe him.

Lee squinted his eyes at the Princess, but could not really formulate his next sentence. Fortunately, Zid intervened.

"Honesty is the best policy you know?" Zid tells Zelda lifting an eyebrow at her

Haha Zid knows she is lying too, good.

"Why would-" she stops mid-sentence and looks down between her feet. The Princess closes her eyes tight and takes a very deep breath. "ALL RIGHT, let's put all the cards on the table... I woke up from a nightmare, it was a cold night and Link was alone by the tree out here, when I sat up to look at him, I got scared, he didn't seem to be breathing... I mean his eyes where closed, what if he passed out?... As I said, it was a cold night, I left the both of you to go check on Ziel out of concern all right?"

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