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"HAHAHAHAHAHA" Link laughs as he closes the door behind him

He breaths in slowly, places his head between his gloved hands and screams... but without sound. His neck veins where showing, air was coming out of his mouth, but soundless. After a few more seconds he stops.

THAT meeting was dangerous, I almost lost my cool in there, at least they completely dismissed me suddenly leaving, I still have questions but for safety reasons I had to extract myself immediately, I was feeling cornered. Michelle used to compare me with a wild animal... and she was right. The worst thing you can do to an animal is corner it... any animal turns extremely aggressive if it feels trapped... so I had to flee, I just hope I get answers to my questions in time. Now that I think about it, I need to treat myself for what I accomplished... I was miraculously keeping my cool and pretending that everything was under control. But he had me in his palm, and he knew it.

"Excuse me young man, I believe you are done with the meeting, I will escort you out." Says the butler coming out of nowhere.

Oh, I had forgotten about this guy, he said he would stay close by in case we needed anything

"Actually, it would be better if you guide me to a room I can use during my stay" Link politely mentions

The butler looks at Link with disgust "What are you talking about? A disgusting peasant like yourself does not need a room to stay in this mighty castle"

Link closes his eyes and breaths deeply

"I can explain but you would not believe me, it will be better if you just ask the King"

"And why would I do anything a lying commoner says?" states the butler mockingly

Link just stares at him with anger in his eyes, without breaking eye contact he reaches behind his back for the study's door knob and opens it

"Doble D, your employee needs to ask you a question" Link says as he reached for the butler and pushed him inside closing the door behind him.

All right, take this moment to relax, this is going to happen a lot, nobody knows me here, I should not be angry at this kind of reactions

Then Links starts to hear yelling, so he places his ear by the door "I PAY YOU TO DO YOUR FUCKING JOB, IF MY SON ASKS YOU TO TAKE HIM TO HIS ROOM, YOU FUCKING TAKE HIM YOU LITTLE SHIT HEAD!!!"

BOOM!... SHUNK! Suddenly the tip of a knife could be seen traversing the door, Link just widens his eyes.

The butler comes out in a rush heading somewhere else, after a few steps he stops, turns around, grabs Link's hand and reassumes running in fear.

Mental note to self: Your King is very smart and a keen observer. He is also very chill and easy to get along with, BUT DON'T MAKE HIM ANGRY.

"My King referred to you as his son, right?" Link just nods in approval

"Then the place for you is in the east tower where the Princess is"

They walked in the direction to the tower, Link could not help himself from staring at all the paintings scattered around on their way there, some very beautiful but some were rather... unsettling, depicting old battle sceneries. They soon reached the east tower's stairs and climbed them. once they were up, Link tried opening the first door he saw but was abruptly stopped.

"NOT THAT ONE, that is the door to the Princess room, your room is behind the door down the hall"

"Down the hall, perfect, by the way... I am sorry about what happened with the king"

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