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Zelda reaches her room's door running and enters, once inside she throws herself on her bed, buries herself on her multiple pillows and screams.

I JUST STABED HIM, DAMN IT, I AM A KILLER. Well... technically I am not, since he is not dead, why is he not dead? I should have been able to at least hurt him a little, he did not appear to be wearing anything that could pr- NONONONO, I should be happy. If he is not hurt, I am not in trouble. If I am not in trouble, I don't need to run away. And that is GOOD, since me running away is IMPOSIBLE.

She raises her head from under the sea of pillows on her bed, then takes a deep breath

He mocked me... he said he was bored... he was provoking me, what happened was NOT my fault at all... HE WANTED IT TO HAPPEN. Yes of course he did, that is why he did not bleed, he was expecting it, or at least ready for something like that to happen. The question is why? What does he win with my violent outburst? Well, I am not entertaining him like that anymore, he better watch what enters his mouth from now on.

Zelda raises herself from the bed, looks at her stand of books, then shakes her head.

I don't have anything here that could help me, give me ideas on how to poison him? I mean... I do have a good shot at it, since he eats a lot apparently, I need to check if we have anything I could use to kill him, and I also need to inform myself about this SWORD agency thing, because if he works there, he has to be hard to kill... HAHAHAHA, that would make his sudden death even more hilarious.

And she stands from her bed laughing, tries to brush her short hair with her fingers and exits the room.

I must be smart about this; I need to head to the storage and check what we have there that I could work with... I guess I need to ask around too, I need to know what he usually eats if I want to poison him.

Zelda enters the storage room, once inside she begins looking around, lifting lots of small boxes, she found bear traps and smiled, then shock her head and hid a mouse trap under her dress.

"Good evening my princess, do you need anything?" asked a service boy with glasses that suddenly appeared by the door.

Zelda hides her surprise and recovers "Yeah... I was looking for rat poison, there is a rat that refuses to fall in the trap" she lies, hopping the employee does not notice.

"I see..." the boy says taping his index finger on his chin "a sprinkle of this over some food should do" he says raising a box that read: ARSENIC

"Just tell me where the rodent is and I will place the bait, it will be gone in no time" Zelda widens her eyes

"Actually, just give the box to me, I have seen the rodent in many places, I want to put baits in all of them" she says avoiding eye contact by faking interest in another box nearby.

Act natural, and avoid his eyes, the last thing I need is someone noticing I am lying. A sprinkle he said... a handful I will use then, since he deserves it.

The employee opens his eyes "I... can't do that my Princess, this is a strong poison, it's dangerous to even touch it, I would not forgive myself if something happened to you because of my poor judgement"

"I see... thanks for telling me, I will take note of all the places I catch a glimpse of the rat, and then I will let you know"

Damn it, well... I can later come and steal it, the good news is that now I KNOW I should protect my hands, and be extremely careful when using it, since entering in contact with it is not an option. Now where or who should I ask about his eating habits...

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